Morning Run: Far and wide

in voilk •  3 months ago

    steevc just finished a 14.07km run, that lasted for 84 minutes.
    This run helped steevc burn 1033.0 calories.

    Description from Strava:
    I wanted to do a longer run today. The weather was looking fairly good and I thought I would try a route I have not done lately. It started with some tracks I do fairly often that take me over the railway and past the parkrun course before heading on towards Langford pas the fishing lakes. It is nice and quiet up there, but there were a load of geese in a field.

    Once I got to Langford I turned right to go over the railway bridge. It is a bit of a humpback with no footpath, so care is needed. There is no path along the stretch out to the A1, but it is not very busy. I was going uphill, but had warmed up by then and felt fairly good. I just had to find the right place to turn off. There ought to be marked footpaths, but I did not see a sign. I just took a path that seemed right. That brought me down the hill to the wind turbine. This is a fairly small one on its own, but there is a set of bigger ones just to the north. I had to jump over a small ditch and then passed between the fields of solar panels that were soaking up the sun. They are all fenced off with cameras too.

    Wind power

    There was an information board, but I want to know how much power they can generate.

    This is where a sign would have helped. I carried straight on to some farm buildings, but could not find a way through. There was a big ditch that I could not jump. Eventually I checked on the Strava map as that shows where people have been and I could see that I should have turned after the solar panels.

    That path brought me out at a fishing lake I recognised and then I knew where to go. There is a track around the fields that brings me to the main road that I had to cross carefully and then I was in Arlesey again.

    This run ended up a bit longer than planned, but I felt okay. My pace was under 6min/km and I am happy with that. I seem to be getting back to previous levels of fitness.

    We were out in Hitchin later and had a nice lunch in a Japanese restaurant. That town has no shortage of places to eat or get a coffee. There were some old motorbikes in the square. It just seemed to be a load of bikers meeting up.


    Lunch was great. This was part of our starter.


    Run free!

    If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

    About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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