Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Dealing with Inevitable - Part 2

in voilk •  4 days ago
    Hello everyone! This is my second entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Modern Diamond Ranked


    I fought an interesting battle against one of the most difficult monsters to kill in Modern: Inevitable.


    Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_4c7817e8addbcd04344a4c2b5bb2e98f


    This game has the following rule sets: Noxious Fumes, Melee Mayhem, and Armored Up. I went with Lorkus and placed the 2 Fiends in front. Next, I had Moxian Rebel, Grimbardun Smith, Venari Marksrat, and Doctor Blight. They went with Avina of the Wolf and Inevitable. They used Aves Sturgis, Pelacor Conjurer, and the Fiend as the rest of their team.


    Inevitable got the Heal and my 2 biggest threats, Doctor Blight and Grimbardun Smith, got the Life Leech and Affliction. They killed my Fiends but I reduced Inevitable's HP to 6. The Poison took out my Rebel and their Fiend. In round 2, I was able to reduce Inevitable's HP to 5, which gave me hope because I had a shot at killing their guy, as long as my monsters survived, even before the Martyr buff. After round 3, they lost Aves to the Poison, which meant I could sustain all the damage with the Life Leech and the game was mine. In the next one, I killed Inevitable, but I had to wait for round 6 to get the final kill.


    What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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    All monsters and images used are owned by Splinterlands.io

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