An Evening in Natural Setting : Amazing Nature

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Yesterday, in the evening my mind was tired with studies. I want an easy escape to enjoy tranquility. Tranquility can only be find in natural setting. I headed towards Garden of Medical Center.

    Yes, Towards Medical center, not for medicine but for garden.

    A honey bee was struggling and kissing the white flower. My ears were hearing the hissing of honey bees. There was not just one honey bee but many.

    Brown trunk, white flowers and sunset- it's perfect combination of nature. I was all alone with my thoughts and my fingers were feeling the flowers and leaves through sensory neurons.

    Hundreds of white flowers were waving in the air. I didn't touch these flowers because i didn't want to disturb the peace of these flowers.

    I was roaming around one tree again and again because spring is magical with it's beautiful colors. Little buds were getting nourishment to become full flowers. These buds are waiting for right time to embrace their blooming.

    I know i becoming quite romantic with my words and nature.... But it's my love.

    Leaves were crawling with wall. Their pattern attracted my sight. I saw towards green leaves which were standing with gray wall like they were hugging each other.

    There were many pine trees in the garden. Infact, there are hundreds of pine trees in my university. It's most common tree here. I took close up of cone from pine tree.

    I touched the cone of pine tree and a beautiful yellowish color embraced my fingers. It was beautiful. I think colors are being made through this cone.

    As per my knowledge, i think this flower is Geranium which is pretty pink flower. My eyes and mind was fresh to see such variety of flowers in the garden.

    Many times in my life, i have neglected weed flowers which don't really came into my camera. But this time i focused on these little flowers.

    When i was about to go from that garden, my eyes fell on trunk of tree which was rotting with the passage of time.

    Even in it's incomplete and decayed shape it was looking extremely beautiful.

    But it was time to go back hostel. Then i went back to my hostel.
    It was a beautiful evening which i spent in natural setting.

    See you next time 🌸🌼.

    Thank you so much for scrolling down.

    every picture belongs to me

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