5 minutes freewrite : the last boy

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Jerry lived in a small town. He was the youngest child in his family, and he often felt left out. But one day, his town was visited by a mysterious stranger, who seemed to know a lot about him. The stranger told Jerry that he was special, and he had an important role to play in the town. The stranger called him "the last boy," and he said that Jerry was destined for great things. Jerry was confused by the stranger's words, but he felt a sense of excitement and purpose. He decided to listen to the stranger and see what would happen. The stranger gave Jerry a task: to help the people of the town with their problems. At first, Jerry wasn't sure how to do this. But as he started to talk to people and listen to their stories, he realized that he could be of help in small ways. He helped an old man fix his fence, he listened to a young girl talk about her troubles at school, and he even helped a dog. As Jerry helped more and more people, he began to feel like he really was "the last boy." He wasn't sure what that meant, but he knew it was something special. People began to look up to him and seek his advice. One day, the town was hit by a big storm. Trees were uprooted, houses were damaged, and people were scared. But Jerry knew what to do. He gathered the people together and organized them into teams to help clean up the damage. He was calm and reassuring, and the people felt safe with him in charge

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