Teatro de la Ópera and Teatro Ateneo of Maracay

in voilk •  4 months ago

    For me it is very exciting to continue sharing with you renowned structures and spaces of my hometown. I feel with this I am creating a kind of tourist guide with which you can have direct references of the places that you can visit in case you are someday on these roads, in fact, in the two previous posts, as well as in this one, are the links to the locations on Google Maps, these can serve you to get there in a more direct and uncomplicated way.

    In this post I will share two places which are the main protagonists of the city as far as plays and art are concerned, I would say that they are the artistic backbone of Maracay and hereinafter you will see why. The Teatro de la Ópera and the Teatro Ateneo de Maracay are the largest and most important theaters in the city, there are a couple more, but they are not very important in the local scene.





    Comenzaré mostrándoles el Teatro de la Ópera de Maracay, éste se encuentra ubicado en la Avenida Miranda muy cerca de la Plaza Bolívar. Es el teatro más grande de la ciudad y goza de fama a nivel nacional ya que allí se han presentado prácticamente todos los artistas de renombre del país. Ha pasado por un par de refacciones en años anteriores las cuales he presenciado yo misma y debo decir que la diferencia es notable en lo que respecta a como era anteriormente.








    El Teatro de la Ópera de Maracay fue declarado Monumento Histórico de la nación en el año 1994 y cuenta con una capacidad para 837 espectadores. Tuve la oportunidad de entrar por allá en el año 2017 para presencial un tributo a The Beatles y debo decir que quedé impactada con lo hermoso que es por dentro. Lamentablemente me negaron el acceso para tomar fotos en la parte interna ya que debía tener una solicitud aprobada y firmada por la autoridad correspondiente, eso me pareció totalmente injusto, pero por lo menos pude tomar varias fotos de la parte externa.








    The first impression I get is that the structure is quite square, but I think it has an interesting air of modernity taking into account that it was built decades ago, I guess that the renovations that have been made had the intention of a more updated look, in fact, in the internal part you can see that technologically nothing is missing, that I will try to show you later if I get to get access.





    As you could see in the photos, the Maracay Opera House is in perfect condition, it is clean, with the green areas well cared for and with plenty of space in the outside areas which are decorated with a very nice ceramic. In particular I feel very proud to know that this place is in my city.

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    On the other hand, I would like to share with you briefly the Ateneo Theater of Maracay, a much smaller place than the previous one, but also a very important cultural space in the city. Compared to the Teatro de la Ópera, this one architecturally has a more colonial air since it has several columns and a very striking balcony.






    An element that I find very interesting and distinctive of the structure, is the large number of wooden windows that it has, these make an excellent contrast with the doors that are also made of wood and with the beautiful blue color of the walls. It is worth mentioning that the white columns also contrast with the wooden elements.





    The Ateneo Theater of Maracay looks like a small and simple place, but from my point of view it has angles and characteristics that make it look very good. I think it decorates in a great way the center of the city and undoubtedly arouses the interest of those who cross its path. It was a pleasure to share. Best regards!

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    If you want to know other places in the city of Maracay, check the following posts:
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