Maxar beach is a very beautiful and mysterious place among the southern ports

in voilk •  28 days ago


    Maxar beach is a very beautiful and mysterious place among the southern ports

    Hello friends, Maxar beach is a very beautiful and mysterious place located among the southern ports and we went there. I think this is the second injustice about this beach.

    We passed through different ports and this beach was also located in Masan Rah, for example Rah and Hade, it was so dry and hot that you thought who would be willing to go to that part because it was far from the main road and Hade itself.

    But after a little detour, we reached there and I saw what an amazing place it is, and I wish we would have reached there sooner, and when we were there, the weather was slowly getting dark.


    Stones polished by sea water over many years

    Years have been spent for these stones to become like this

    At first glance, we think that they are sand, but after touching the stones, we realize that they are hard stones, as if they were polished with sea water, and the remarkable thing is that

    There is no water in the part where these rocks are located now, so we can conclude that in the past years, the sea water was higher and deeper than it is now,

    and unfortunately, the sea water goes down every year, even in this part by several meters. lost water

    But when I look at her photos, I realize her beauty more

    I will upload some photos for you and I think this is the second part of the photos of this area and I hope you will like it

    This beach is so far away that I don't think I will be able to see it again, and maybe years later I will be able to do the motivation and effort to get there again.

















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