VOID DRAGON's combat ability in Splinterlands

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    In Splinterlands battles, attack speed decides victory. There are several cards with speed, which gives us a good chance of winning if we attack first before our opponent. Of course, speed also allows you to avoid attacks from your opponents.

    Now, in the dragon element, I'll talk about one of the monsters with speed and other advantages. This may teach you about the cards in Splinterlands, allowing you to use them in more effective combat strategies.

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    VOID DRAGON is a card from the dragon element. This card has a magical attack of one point and a speed of five points. Furthermore, the VOID ability at the start of the level protects against attacks from the opponent's magic monsters.


    When VOID DRAGON reaches its maximum level, three skills will be active. That is, at level 3, you will acquire the PHASE skill, which allows you to avoid magical attacks. With that ability, it is extremely difficult to hit the VOID DRAGON with magical attacks. If you use a summoner or monster that boosts speed, the VOID DRAGON will become more agile in battle.


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    In this battle, we'll see how VOID DRAGON compares in terms of speed. This battle features the same summoner and nearly identical monster arrangement. Except for the introduction of enemy legendary monsters, which require no mana.

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    However, the battle formation's core arrangement causes the VOID DRAGON's speed to increase with the help of the martyr monster.

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    With the BORN AGAIN rule, you will now see an increase in statistics when the martyr monster is defeated. And in this battle, reviving the martyr monster will increase the VOID DRAGON's statistics again.

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    In the end, you'll only have to face two VOID DRAGON monsters with identical statistics in this battle. So, who will win this fight?

    You can view the results of the entire battle by clicking the link below.


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    And for those who own a VOID DRAGON collection. So there are several suggestions for monsters to keep an eye out for. Because the following monsters can render your VOID DRAGON helpless.


    MITICA HEADHUNTER, GRENADIER, and MERDHAMPIR have the SNARE ability, which disables the FLYING ability. Meanwhile, DHAMPIR and DJINN CHWALA possess the TRUE STRIKE ability, which eliminates opportunities to dodge.

    And that concludes my post on VOID DRAGON. Hopefully, this can help you understand the Splinterlands cards. There are many more good cards to find in the world of Splinterlands. I look forward to the next post. Thank you so much.

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