I don't want to die

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Temmy and Timmy are twins, a boy and a girl; they both have distinguished characteristics as they were not identical twins. They possess different physical characteristics, such as their hair, skin color, height, and physique. They reside with their parents in Lagos State, Nigeria.

    Temmy is a lady; she is short, light in complexion, chubby, and has brown hair, while Timmy is a boy; he is tall, dark in complexion, slim, and has black hair.

    Most times, they don't walk together due to the difference in their gender and other characteristics, which could make it difficult to tell if they are twins or not.

    They are quite close at home, but not when they go outside. The two always act like they don't know each other just to avoid people's comments on their appearances.

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    They continued to live this way until they grew up. When they turned sixteen, they relocated with their parents to the United Kingdom. This was the happiest event of their lives.

    Their mom, Mrs. Susan Thompson, got a visa to the United Kingdom for her masters programs, and she got the opportunity to come with her family. She then moved to the United Kingdom with her husband and two children.

    "I can't believe we are in the United Kingdom," Timmy said. "It's time to go for my dream fun," Timmy further said.

    "I'm going to upload different pictures on my TikTok account; I have to show my friends back in Nigeria that my level has changed," Temmy said. "And what's your dream fun, if I may ask?" Temmy asked Timmy curiously.

    "Guess baby girl," Timmy said to his sister, who was smiling and scrolling through her phone.

    "You know I'm not good at that; I just hope it's not what I'm thinking, Sha," Temmy replied.

    "It is whatever you are thinking; I can't wait to see how fun it is," Timmy further said.

    "Wait, twinnie, you want to go bungee jumping?" Temmy asked, frightened.

    "Oh yes, baby girl," Timmy replied, laughing out loud. Temmy sighed and asked his twin brother, "Do you want to die?".

    "Oh God, don't annoy me. Which one do I want to die? Do you want me dead?" Timmy said.

    "What if something bad happens, like the rope is cut off, or you miscalculated and fell off the rope?" Temmy said out of concern.

    "It's because you are a bush lady; I will be buckled, old lady; I can't fall, and you know what? We will go together. I don't want to narrate the experience to you; I want you to have the experience yourself," Timmy explained to his sister, who was looking at him sternly.

    "I have to tell your mother that you are about to go on a journey of no return; you know I fear heights, right?, Temmy asked his brother, who was smiling.

    "I know, lady, but you only live once; you have to try this; you would be glad you did, trust me. The family picnic is coming soon, like we always do back in Nigeria, but I'm sure dad and mom would be busy because we just got here and they need to work; therefore, we would have to celebrate alone," Timmy replied to Temmy.

    "Bad boy, you've planned everything. Anyway, I can escort you, but count me out," Temmy said to her brother.

    After 3 weeks, it was time for the family's picnic, and just as Timmy predicted, their parents were unable to join them because of their work.

    "We won't be joining you guys for the picnic; I hope you've found a good place to hang out," Mrs. Susan asked her children a day before the picnic as she was preparing for work.

    "Sure, mom, I already did; I will take this small girl with me," Timmy replied to their mom as he was teasing his sister.

    "Hmmm, I trust you, second daddy. Just be fine, please. I'm off to work. See you guys later." Mrs. Susan bidded her children goodbye as she left for work.

    "See who wants to take care of me, as if you can take care of yourself?" Temmy said, scornfully looking at his brother, who was eating bananas.

    "I went to the street yesterday to ask some passersby where I can have a bungee jump, and I've been given two locations; we will try one out tomorrow. Be prepared, coward," Timmy said to Temmy, who was taking cereal at the dining room.

    "Tomorrow is going to be fun; it's going to be an experience of a lifetime," Timmy said as he walked towards his room.

    The day for the picnic arrived, and after their parents left for work, Temmy and Timmy dressed up to have their breakfast at a cool restaurant along their street. After eating, the twins set off for the location given by one of the people Timmy asked two days before.

    On getting there, they saw other people trying the bungee jump as well. This made Timmy smile and say to his sister, "You can see it's nothing to be scared about; watch how others are enjoying it.".

    Timmy and Temmy watched for a while as others were enjoying the bungee jump, until Timmy decided to join.

    "I'll love to go next," Timmy said to the instructor in charge.

    Timmy was made ready as the instructor fastened a belt around his waist. "Holy Jesus,protect me," Timmy said as he was about to jump.

    "Who asked you?Tommy said, laughing out loud. After a while, when Timmy jumped, he returned screaming, "I did it, baby girl.".

    After Timmy got down, he encouraged his sister to try it too, but Temmy declined. After lots of persuasion from Timmy, Temmy declined and said, Remembered you said one can only live once? I'm not ready to die; let's go home..".

    Timmy and others there burst into laughter as Timmy patted his sister's back, and they headed home.

    Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.

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