Virtual asset has a future

in voilk •  4 months ago


    At first the rich were known to own own good pasture lands for farming, then jewelries later set in. It continued its moves to the real estate industry and before you know it we saw big industries sprouting. As we speak the phase is adding up a new thing and that's technology. Since its introduction, advancement upon this sector has proven to yield results beyond imaginations. One thing in the minds of the rich is always how to preserve wealth?

    The introduction of paper notes seemed to have been an opportunity yet we have seen the continuous challenge faced by fiat when it comes to inflation. depreciation in currency value is an inevitable loss that's why rare metals have thrived for years before and after the introduction of fiat. The introduction of the Internet has been an eye opener to the possibilities of wealth that can be generated. The wealthy now own systems and platform that continues to mint money every second.

    Yet still it seemed for sometimes there were still difficulties and uncertainties as to how this new system could also help store value. The introduction of blockchain technology more than one and a half decade ago came with a solution as to how assets could be preserved. Virtual currency brought a mindset of how wealth could be stored virtually. We have seen the inflow of millionaires in the last fifteen years and many have always sided against the idea of fiat and even rare metals.

    The challenge of fiat as earlier said is inflation and rare metal are not portable. Think for instance, assuming war just sprouts up, how would you pack the notes, the gold and silver that you stored in your safe. No way, if you love your life you'll know what to do at such a point. We saw it happen to the real estate industry during the world war, investors' money was brought to ashes by bullets and bombs that put holes and brought down valuable investment.

    Lessons were learnt, aside from avoiding putting all eggs in one basket, 'avoid heavy baskets'. You could just have moved your portfolio into a cold wallet and zoomed off. Even in a state of price depreciation, it is far better than the inevitable real estate loss. Adding to that, there's hope of a later crypto market bounce back.

    New millionaires are not going to make the old mistakes and this is why virtual assets have an undoubted future. We have seen it happen in the Bitcoin industry, drawing in investors who have seen new ways to hold substantial amounts in the lightest of forms. Adding to that we have seen the opportunity it also presents to diversify portfolio far beyond the traditional standards reducing investment risk.

    The next safe haven for wealth is online and systems have been built to make sure this is a reality. Being a technology at its early phase we have seen a lot of skepticism, it supposed to be so. Before a system will gain trust, it must first be tested. We saw bitcoin drop to deterring standard and bounce back later. Blackrock and co. picked it up from there.

    Virtual assets comes with innovations

    There is rigidity in traditional assets like gold, silver and other rare metals. For instance, storing gold in your safe is a loss. You may ask how? Afterall its rarity continues to increase its price. Come to think of how it works with virtual assets, you could stake these assets and get rewards. We have seen the decentralized finance and non fungible token opening up opportunities. Nevertheless, there has been some downturns at the moment. The truth is, all this tech is in its early phase and what it has to offer is beyond current imagination.

    With new platforms and businesses coming up on daily bases to flood the online industry, we can say it the new home for business and transaction. Virtual currencies through blockchain technology has helped provide security and transparency. Adding to that, easy asset conversion without delays and intermediaries gives virtual assets hedge over traditional systems. With decentralization playing a huge role in this sector, Greater control presents confidence for the rich to opt into this new world financial haven solution.

    Truth be told, this is just a tip of the iceberg of where this technology is going. There may be some delays in massive adoption but abandoning these assets is not an option. Who doesn't like profit and safety or you think Blackrock just blindly jumped into the crypto industry. Staying in doubt is more of outdating yourself in a modern day. Online systems are the new refined ways to store and process assets.

    Just wait until the ETF approval hits the Ethereum industry and you'll know these guys have seen beyond just price, it is the way to future asset preservation. The world is closing into ending the use of paper notes and traditional coins which will help open people up more to virtual interchange and transactions.

    To conclude, let me add, the era is advancing to a better phase. The fear of asset loss due to geographical challenges has always disturbed those with huge custody of wealth. Can virtual asset help solve this challenge? The thing to note about virtual assets is its ability to turn assets to its lightest form for safety and flexibility. As millionaires continue to emerge from the online world, they will mostly prefer to keep their earnings in valuable online assets and here presents a huge opportunity for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to expand beyond current borders. What are your taughts about virtual assets? Do you see more or less? Let me hear from you.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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