Reflecting On March

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Reflecting On March

    Photo by Bich Tran

    Time flies, in fact, it disappears if there is anything like that. It was like yesterday when we crossed over to 2024, and here we are, already in the fourth month of the year, before you know it, it will be another year.

    This is a reminder for all of us that time waits for no one, we are growing, and a minus is already done on our days on earth. So, if you have been careless about your mandate and goals in life thinking you have all the time in the world, remember, 1st January was just like yesterday but where is it now? it is high time we become intentional about the things we pursue in life.

    The month of March was a special month, I mean a lot of things were done on it, and there were fastings observed by both Christians and Muslims worldwide. It was a month of spirituality, I can only imagine the kind of blessings the month came with, I just hope you were able to grasp yours, heheh.

    Apart from the special events that took place in March, another special thing about the month to me in particular is that March is my birth month. It was all for me, LoL.

    You would expect that for all these special things the month would be the best for me. Well, yes it was okay but honestly, March was a very tough month.

    January and February also had their own challenges but for March, it was like everything was doubled. I ran into so many challenges that made me get into debts that I am still clearing.

    I couldn't even celebrate my birthday, though a few of my friends made me feel special with calls, text messages and amazing posts on social media. I wasn't expecting any of those. I felt loved. I won't lie.

    I was also not able to participate in the Easter fasting and all the activities that were carried out, I mean if God was a man he would have chased me away. Even the sacred communion that was taken, I didn't participate in it. I was not just myself, I didn't know how I got into that mess but I am healing.

    On Easter day, I was home all through, I slept like never before, oh you wanted to hear that I didn't go for service right? okay fine, I didn't. Very bad of me. Mom kept talking about it but I couldn't help it.

    Well, I don't want to say that it was the month of March that brought those things up on me, things like that could happen any day, anytime. Every month comes like an empty slate, we are the ones to decide the story that would be written on it.

    Though I suffered so much in the previous month, I have learned many things, if I say I am not better than I used to be all this while I lied. I can tell that I have upgraded in my mind and other aspects of my life for good.

    Thanks For Reading

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