in voilk β€’  4 months ago


    good evening guyssss πŸ‘‹ Let me talk to you about I take my break for my mental health.
    Accept or not it is very very important for every individual to take breaks either off work or duty for the relaxation of the brain. And also of mental relieve .
    There's this popular saying that says "BODY NO BE FIRE WOOD" It is so natural that no matter how you could be physically or mentally strong you still have shot break for about 30 mins or there about before heading back into deep work.
    If not so you could ignorantly be mentally stressed

    let me talk you little about how important your mental health could be And how badly it could affect you if you don't take good care of yourself by taking breaks often.
    Mental health is the inter_connected and dynamic aspect of your emotions. Psychological and social well been which enable us to cope with life challenges, relationships and all that .

    Mental stress is an emotional cognitive response to perceived pressure demand that exceeds human ability.

    In cases whereby individuals overwork themselves they tends to have or go through mental stress which can result to break down of body. so it is very necessary for we individuals to always find time to go on breaks to relieve mental stress if not we could break down because our body is not firewood.

    I am a fashion designer, and it's already in the Christmas season I mean December period where by costumers wants to either saw or buy clothes. At this point the whole work thing is kind of becoming choking and most fashion designers even stay overnight just to get customers satisfied and to cover up works that are urgent.

    I worked on a wedding dress about two weeks ago with rush because it was a late information but then could not be rejected I still had to go through the stress of running the dress in a week, in fact less than a week because the dress was to be used the Saturday of that week so I had to do what I can do best to satisfy my customer. As God may have it I did it with the help of few of my apprentice and then it came out well. we went through a whole lot of stress. The stress of going from one place to another to get materials the stress of sewing and losing plus the main stress of beading the whole dress.

    But then, after all the stress we went through that week, I personally went on or 3 days off to relieve myself off the stress I went through that week.

    Anytime I feel like I need to have a break or something I always find my way to the campground. fortunately for me that week was also our annual convention which I attended from day three. So I packed my bag and left for camping.
    I don't know why but anytime I find myself in the campground I feel like I went for a vacation because I have a whole lot of nice time with sweets and different people which we in no time find ourselves having fun together and even forget him about anything called stress at that point all we do was just to wake up in the morning have a short fellowship probably take our bath, dress up, and then head towards the auditorium.

    When the service is over we all find ourselves in the most fun place in the whole campground which is the river.
    After the whole service you know before heading back to the hostel the sun would have made us sweaty so at that point we would just go straight to the river. Wren we get to the river we would just change our dress and then boom!, were in the river already playing and having nice times and also enjoining the sweet views of nature, hearing wired, funny, and sweet sound's of birds too.

    (this picture belongs to me).
    We always find it so interesting and fun in the camp excluding the times of service, we make good use of free times to gather and have fun talks or find our way to the river or just sleep.

    So I personally the last time I took a break for my mental health was last month towards the ending and it was at camp where I always see as another world.(this picture belongs to me).

    So guys always find time to take break for your mental health to avoid body breakdown and all that. Even children at school don't use the whole seven to 9 hours gaining knowledge they still have like one or two brakes in between so let's also fine time to take care of ourselves and our mental health.
    Thanks for reading πŸ™πŸ˜Š.

    This post is dedicated to the Hivelearners Weekly Featured Contents
    Week 142:- Edition 01:-

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