A hike on the foggy coast / photo journal

in voilk •  3 months ago

    On Monday I was invited by my mother and a friend of hers to go on a hike along the coast. My mother is in her 60s (but in amazing shape) and her friend early 70s so I thought it would be a piece of cake. I was very wrong LOL. Turns out that the path had been thoroughly destroyed by the many hurricanes and windstorms over the past few years so it was pretty rough terrain!

    As you can see in the photo above it was very foggy and we were worried it would rain, but it turned out to be a perfect cool breezy day in the end.

    • sidenote- I live next to the ocean and it gets extremely foggy often, like all of a sudden on a clear day the fog will roll in. It's very difficult to capture the beauty using my phone camera though, it seems to automatically sharpen things a bit so the foggy mystery never looks quite as cool :( On this day though the fog was so thick that it actually came through the photos for once!

    We started off walking across a few little rocky coastal areas which is kind of treacherous. The rocks can be kind of wobbly so you have to step very carefully so you don't twist an ankle!

    I took some videos here too because the sound is incredible. Not only the whooshing of the waves but there's a deep rumbling sound as the water moves all the rocks around. Since we can't embed video I've added it here in a tweet:


    We came across an abandoned (shipwrecked?) boat in this little cove:

    Between the little coves we had to walk through the woods and with all the downed trees it was a struggle. We were having to climb over and under stuff and take big detours and go through swampy areas with really squishy moss 😂 I did not take any photos of the forest I was too winded...

    This was our almost final destination where we sat on the rocks and had a picnic, the waves were crashing in and salty spray was hitting us!

    Afterwards we walked out onto the road and I had to capture this last view:


    My feet were killing me after walking on the rocks, the whole hike was almost 3 hours which isn't that long but I was just wearing cheap sneakers which was probably a bad decision :)

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