in voilk •  12 days ago

    Knowing who you are in God and your identity in God, it's important. Because the moment you understand the purpose that God has for your life, the moment you understand the assignment that he has called you to, you will become a threat to the kingdom of darkness.

    Because the Lord said, behold, I will give you power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall hurt you.

    Understand something, the devil feared those who stand on the word of God, who cannot be tossed to and fro and who has confidence in what God has called them to do.

    This is why you will become a threat to the kingdom of darkness because the enemy knows that he can do nothing to pull you away from God because you are planted in God.

    God wants you to know that it is important to him that you know who you are in him because he has a specific purpose for you. He has a plan for your life. So if you don't know your identity in Christ, Because he has a specific purpose for you.

    He has a plan for your life. So if you don't know your identity in Christ, seek God until he reveal it to you. seek God until he comes. He reveal it to you because he will at his appointed time because it's important to him, because he will at his appointed time.

    Because it's important to him that you know that you know.

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    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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