Hive Open Mic week#250// Amazing grace by Hayley Westenra cover by Megamo.

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    Hello friends,
    It's your girl megamo on this space.
    Trust you all are doing great .
    Grateful to be a part of this week's edition.
    This week #250 on the hive Open Mic.

    Gratitude to all the team working hard to make this platform impactful and active.
    You are all deeply appreciated.

    Thank you to the artist of the week, for choosing this beautiful theme,"long night"
    The theme Long night has connection to human life , we need to understand ,what a night means and what it represents in the path of man.

    Examples of a night can be challenges, trials ,loss of a dear one that results into a trauma, sickness or an outbreak that lasted for a long time, faced by a person or nation.
    Long night, are unpleasant experiences that take long.
    The Bible talks about long-suffering, that produces patience and perseverance.
    In such a time,what you need is grace to keep you moving on. I am drawn to sing ,the Amazing grace hymn. I love the one, sang by Hayley Wetenra, but will focus on the chorus only.
    Christ defeated death in a long night and came out victoriously with the keys of life and death in his hands . We need to key into his grace to overcome our long night.
    Christ is our greatest example, how he endured the cross and is now seated at the right hand of God.
    I will be doing a popular hymn, amazing grace ,it has many versions but i will sing the chorus the one we know and add a little spice to it.

    Lyrics are hand written,
    Amazing grace,how sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me
    I once was lost but now I'm found
    was blind ,but now I see.
    Thank you!

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