Creative-sunday || My help by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir (cover)

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Hello people of hive, lovers of music and all creative minds. I'm here with my entry (a music presentation) for this week's edition of creative-sunday, I'll be presenting a song title "my help" by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.
    This song is actually coined from the Bible, Psalm 121... I think the choir really did a wonderful job in making it a melodious one, the sing is about the help of God.

    Looking at the situation of things in the country presently, we really need the help of God, because things are getting out of hand everyday and high time God comes to our aid. There are various ways we need His help, talk of security, provision, the future of the nation as a whole etc.
    I was with a friend of mine some weeks ago who's into selling of clothes, shoes and so on, the guy is frustrated already. While we were talking, he told him his experience about how some group of people came to his shop and cart away all his goods, the funniest thing is that he reported the case to the police and at first, they did their job by arresting all those that were involved but to his greatest surprise the police keep prolonging the matter, at the end of it all, all the suspects were all released even after a concrete evidence that they were the one who vandalize his shop. It's obvious that they had bribed the policemen. Most of these security personnel are after their pocket and not about our security.

    Another case happened here where I work, kidnappers came around last month (February) they went straight into the palace, their intention was to kidnap both the king and queen, but the king didn't surrender himself to them, so they have to kill him, they end up kidnapping the Queen and two other people. The late king was a retired soldier, despite that, his position in the Army couldn't safe him.
    So it's God who can protect us especially in this part of the world, these kidnappers and evil doers are everywhere, and that's why we must keep asking God to help and show us mercy.


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