Dating someone older

in voilk •  2 months ago

    The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney

    Hello all. This is my entry to the #weekend-engagement brought to us every week by @galenkp I would like to talk about dating people. I have experienced both and I will share my opinion accordingly.

    So, dating people is something very personal. It reflects your choices and your personality. It shows who you are as a person. I dated a person younger than me a few years back and the experience, for me, was not that great. It can be because of multiple reasons. The more you age and grow as an individual, the more subtle and decent and calm you become. I was in that phase. My ex, who was younger than me, did enjoy my company a lot.

    I could think of her childishness and immaturity that felt cute at first, but eventually it annoyed me. She was extra possessive and did not care about my personal space. This is something I wish to change in the younger generation, the respect for the personal space and privacy. I am not saying that the entire generation is like this, but such elements are more common here not to mention the aggression.

    When I was with a lady a few years older than me, I was more relaxed. There is an element of trust and we both can lean back on each other anytime any of us needs to be supported, the other person is there. I feel like she looks right through me and that level of intimacy is what I crave. It makes the relationship more meaningful.

    I learnt in the book named Forty Rules Of Love by Elif Shafak that if the factor of excitement, personal growth and compatibility are not there, the relationship will not last and will only be a compromise.
    It is more about the factor of compatibility. If you are compatible with your person, be it younger or older, that is what matters at the end. I am more compatible with my partner right now and she is a few years older than me. These are my thoughts and these are very subjective and I am tolerant to the difference of opinion.

    Thanks for reading it. Did you like my thoughts? I took the pictures myself.

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