even here

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Another week gone by.

    So fast.

    I wonder, what did all of you do with your week?

    Did you meet with friends? Did you spend time by yourself? Did you do something that you love doing?

    Or did you just go through the motions and show up where you’re supposed to show up and do the things that are expected of you?

    Me, I mostly did the latter. And while doing things like going to and from work, taking my kids to and from dance and soccer practice, I found myself occasionally surprised by the following moments.



    one by one
    the blossoms take their leave
    on a gentle breeze


    the waxing moon
    halfway to full
    she rubs her belly


    even here
    on the restroom floor
    a cherry petal


    deep inhale
    before entering the office
    the smell of spring rain


    whether my mood
    be foul or not
    the warbler sings


    cool and overcast
    an egret flies overhead
    in solitude


    high in the trees
    shaking the branches
    children laugh and shriek


    As always, thank you for reading.

    All poems and images are original. If you have any comments, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to share them.

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