IAAC DAY #449 // My Revenge Have No Limit

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Some people hurt me deeply and I think of the best revenge to take on them. At first, I think of do to them what they did to me but after thinking about it for a while it's not pleasing enough hurting them more than they hurt me will be the best revenge but then again it might come right back at me so I come to a conclusion after thinking of the best revenge suitable for them and will not backfire.

    I decided to heal the part they hurt in me and move forward, do my utmost best to be the better fashion of myself they never expected. Showing them that I'm better off without them and try my best not to become like those that have hurt me and show them that I am better than them in ten folds and that is my best revenge plan.

    Thanks to @flaxz for the initiative of #iamalivechalleng.

    Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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