Spending on only what matters. 

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello, everyone

    Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learner's featured post. Indeed, finding balance in the world in which we live is a very difficult thing to do, especially in a country like mine where the economy does not favor the masses. As a matter of fact, little or nothing is working in favor of the masses in my country. Sometimes it seems all odds are against you; you give it your best only for the result to be futile, and then you try again and sometimes get the get the same results, and you start having the urge to just give up and let fate take its course, but that too won't help matters.

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    In our world today, many people aim for a level of balance beyond them, like way beyond the level they ought to be aiming for and until they realise that attaining balance means taking it one step at time, they will keep struggling to attain balance and in the end never attain it. We have to understand that attaining balance has a lot of things associated to it, for one to say they have attained balance even if it is temporal it simply means they have attained a state of being balance in their mental health, physical health, emotional and even financially they are a bit balanced or doing better than they were. All these will serve as distractions if absent on your quest to attain the balance you desire.

    Attaining balance is not something that can be attained overnight, but if you give up on trying to attain it, then you will never attain it. I guess that's why the saying consistency is key is in existence. You just have to keep trying until you get it right. There will be obstacles and hindrances to discourage you, but with determination and consistency, you will definitely overcome them. Even when one finally attains the balance that they desire, it's not easy to maintain this balance. There is a lot of pressure to deal with, ranging from societal pressure to peer pressure and so many others, that can push you off balance.

    The habit I have adopted and it gave me a sense of balance.

    In order attain balance discipline is a requirement, if you don't have discipline then you cannot attain balance. I did a self-evaluation, and I realized I was being extravagant. I spent a lot of money on things that added no value to my life, and in most cases, I chose wants over needs. Sometimes I can choose to satisfy my cravings while I have a pile of needs waiting for me to spend on them. If junk food, candies and pastries had an empire, I would have been the emperor. My parents complained and complained, but I was not going to change. But I got to school, and this habit pushed me off balance, and I almost ran into debt.

    I was also easily influenced into spending; once a friend orders pastries, I am definitely doing the same. It was affecting my finances badly and stood as a hindrance to my attaining balance. I was forced to discipline myself into spending on only what was a necessity, it was difficult to cut down spending especially when you know the money is there, you kind of feel unrest until you spend it, controlling this feeling of unrest in the first few months was very difficult for me and sometimes I fail to but I was consistent and determined to cut down spending, until it became a habit and now I only spend on necessity and that gives me a sense of balance.

    Thanks for reading my post.

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