Tips On How To Strengthen The Love For Humanity

in voilk •  2 months ago


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    Hatred and wars have be fought and continued because the love for others is not strengthened. On various news outlets, hate speeches are propagated whose results have been deadly that include killing and destroying of other properties of other people. But with love for each other, strife and hatred can be forgotten and peace will be flourished.

    Everyone need to be loved and love others. Whenever there's genuine love for each other, peace and unity will thrives. Our Love for Others needs to be strengthened because many factors can challenging it. But let's talk about reasons why we need to love each other.

    Reasons We Need to Love Each Other.

    Unity and peace are precious commodity of high value. Whenever there's unity and peace, life are cherished and appreciated. Rule of laws and fundamental rights are uphold too. There will be more developments on the area which will improve the living conditions for humans when there's strong love for each other. Nobody will be intimidated or scared away because everyone love others genuinely.

    Another advantage of loving each other is that economy and business can grow and thrives. With right conditions which include security and improve human growth, economic development can increased. For instance, every month of the year, one person become a billionaire in the Chinese cities of Beijing and Shanghai because there's right conditions that make them prosperous. Everyone interact with others and engaged favorably which result in peace and prosperity.

    As other body parts are linked together and cooperate with others for growth and development that how humans needs others too. It's very difficult to survive alone and people that isolated themselves experiences challenges too. Loneliness and stagnant affect people that does not cooperate with others. We need to love each other and continue to strengthen such love to grow forever.

    Ways To Show Our Love For Each other And Improvement.

    There are many ways to show others how deep, we love them. Many people still appreciate it when you tell them orally. "I love you". Such lovely words can melt their heart and increase their happiness. Make it a duty every day to tell people around you that you love them sincerely and see how good, your relationship with others will improve and great blessings will follow

    Apart for telling others that you love them. Another way is to show them by our actions. Being truthful and honor others can foster good relationships and lovely cooperation with others. Lying to others can be very deceitful and betrayal of trust. It's very hurtful and take away peace and love that should bind people together. Showing honors to other with our actions can really help too. For example, leaving our seat for pregnant, sick and older people in an occupied vehicle means that we show honor to them. Respect others despite not being from same race, financial status, skin color or educational status. Avoid racist statements and never stereotyped others so that love will continue to grow and last forever.

    To err is humans and to forgive is divine is one of popular proverbs that explains the importance of forgiveness. Nobody is perfect and we can wrong others repeatedly but when we forgive them, we have show them deep love and unity will be possible. Bridling and controlling our tongue will help us, not to wrong others always. But when others erred us, let's view the situation as if we are in their shoes and try our best to understand them so that to forgive them will be easy for us.

    Be comforting to others is another way to show them love. For us to comfort others easily, let's be compassionate and show other pity. Many people are facing serious problems which is more that ours. Feel pity for them and try your best to help them. For example, many people have to struggle every day under the hot day to earn money that's less than one USD, just to get feed and others that depend on them. Making things easier for them by offering them presents regularly, not ceremonially will impact on them positively.


    Anxieties and worries are sign of mental illness that's affecting many people because of worsening world conditions and wrong impact of the relationship between people. Without love, humanity suffers and setbacks will occur. Showing love to others and strengthening such love will improve human cooperation and prosperity.

    Thanks to the @leogrowth for these monthly prompt and this post is in line with the topic of Day 7 which focuses on earth and environmental conservation and stability

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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