My Actifit Report Card: April 23 2024 - Silvery Moon

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Tonight I took my quotidian walk by the light of the silvery moon. It was completely full and very bright, at about 45 degrees up from the horizon. At that angle your shadow is the same height as the real you.

    So there is an American classic love song called By The Light of the Silvery Moon and it's from 1909! I found the first pop recording of it from. December 1909 which was released in 1910. No one who bought that record then is alive now!

    Let's listen and see what pop tunes sounded like 115 years ago when your great great great grandma was a teen girl.

     <br/> _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on]( <br/> <br><img src=""><br><table>    <tr>        <img src=""> </tr>   <tr>        <div class="text-center"><b>22/04/2024</b></div>    </tr></table><table>    <tr>        <img src=""> </tr>   <tr>        <div class="text-center"><b>5650</b></div>  </tr></table><table>    <tr>        <img src="">  </tr>   <tr>        <div class="text-center"><pre><b>Daily Activity, Walking</b></div></pre></div>  </tr></table><div class="text-center"><img src=""><a href=""><img src=""></a><a href=""><img src=""></a></div>
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