in voilk •  4 months ago


    hello, meet again with me Ahmad badrud duja. Greetings all, How is your challenge this time?

    Battle mage Secrets is a challenge that is held once a week by Splinterlands, so let's take part.


    Welcome back to battle mage secret this time here I follow it with enthusiasm and I hope your day is full of blessings, everyone. For this battle, I fought a summoner of the legendary earth element. here I play it in diamond league 1 and let's continue this game. victory is on our side today. (bhaltazar scholarship account)


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    as you can see in the picture above, this is the ruleset for this battle, namely: Equal Opportunity where All units gain the opportunity ability which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team.


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    The rules I got for this battle are 3, namely: 1. Rise of the commons. 2. Taking sides. 3. Equal opportunity.
    ( 1.) Rise of the commons: only common and rare monsters may be used in battles. 2.) Taking sides: neutral monsters may not be used in battles. this is the essence of the rules that I entered into this battle in the Splinterlands challenge. 3.) Equal opportunity: all monsters have the opportunity ability.)

    • this time the rules get 40 manacap
    • There are only 3 elements that can be used, namely: earth, life, and death. with that the other 3 elements cannot be used such as ( fire, water, and dragon. )


    Click the image to watch this battle live.

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    and this is the initial appearance of my battle against my enemy with the summoner element legendary earth while I use the Balthazar scholarship account with account number 708. and let's continue with my strategy in this battle and here are the cards that I can use in battle.

    strategies are used to win the battle on the blog this time.

    card imageabilityexplanation
    Screenshot 2024-03-10 20.17.21.png IMMORTALISTThis summoner has the ability: All enemy monsters have -1 health. All friendly monsters receive the void ability at the start of the battle. all friendly monsters receive the shatter ability at the start of the battle.For this battle, I chose my favorite legendary summoner from the earth element, namely IMMORTALIS. Some of the reasons I chose him were the abilities he has and if you want to get out of the vicious circle of not being able to move up the league. You must try using this summoner in battle to be able to fight your enemies.
    Screenshot 2024-03-10 20.17.59.png MYCELIC INFANT RYThis monster card has the abilities: Shield, giant killer, enrage, opportunity, void, shatter.and the first monster card I chose in this battle was MYCELIC INFANTRY, which I used as a tank. shield ability and several abilities such as enrage and giant killer, I chose him as the front guard to protect attacks from my enemies. His weakness is when attacked with magic attacks but I have a solution by relying on the abilities that will be given by my summoner this time.
    Screenshot 2024-03-10 20.18.35.png MYCELIC MORPHOIDThis monster card has the abilities: thorns, opportunity, void, shatter.For monster card number 2 I chose MYCELIC MORPHOID. This is a monster card from the earth element. I chose him in this battle because his manacap is good, but I have to choose a monster card that is good and useful for this battle. I chose him because he has the thorns ability to later repel the attacks of my enemy who has melle attack and opportunity abilities, will definitely attack him first because he has very low health.
    Screenshot 2024-03-10 20.19.06.png MERCENARY SLUTThis monster card has the abilities: flying, heal, retaliate, opportunity, void, shatter.Monster card number 3 I chose MERCENARY MAN. he is an agile monster card, has flying abilities and what I like most is his healing ability. placing him in 3rd position as a monster card with a mellee attack is a natural thing because all monster cards this time can attack from anywhere thanks to the existing rules.
    Screenshot 2024-03-10 20.19.49.png GOBLIN PSYCH ICThis monster card has the abilities: tank heal, affliction, silence, dispel, opportunity, void, shatter.Monster card number 4 I chose GOBLIN PSYCHIC. he is a monster card with an earth element, the reason I chose him in this battle was to provide support for my monster card which I used as a tank as well as providing poison to my enemy with the abilities he has as well. He is a monster card that is quite helpful in this battle in my opinion. hopefully he can do the attack I want.
    Screenshot 2024-03-10 20.20.23.png HILL GIANTThis monster card has the abilities: stun, opportunity, void, shatter.Monster card number 5 I chose HILL GIANT. he is a monster card with an earth element and I chose him because of his abilities, especially his stun ability. I consider it very useful because if later the attack and stun effect succeeds in hitting the enemy according to my plan then it will be an added value for me which reduces my enemy's attack by 1 monster card or even more
    Screenshot 2024-03-10 20.20.56.png MYCELIC SLIPSPAW NThis monster card has the abilities: taunt, forcefield, slow, opportunity, void, shatter.and this is the monster card I chose for the final part of my battle strategy this time. he is MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN and the reason I chose him in this battle was to repel enemy attacks which I felt would take quite a lot of attacks and I took advantage of the forcefield ability. to avoid attacks that are too high. Hopefully everything goes according to plan and let's continue reading!


    You can see my battle live here or you can watch it on my YouTube video below, don't forget to like, subscribe and share. If you can't play it, you can continue reading this blog and see pictures of my battle in the continuation of this blog below.


    ronde 1

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    ronde 8

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    and finally I won.

    it's getting harder and harder for me day by day haha. in this battle I won using my strategy. but these are a few of my wins as I think I have had quite a few losses now. I apologize to everyone and I still can't reach Diamond League 1 at this time. keep the spirit and there will definitely be a way.

    I won and got +20 points and +7.8 sps in this battle
    that's my suggestion. Use the strategy that you think is best and don't forget to have fun.



    Thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to leave a comment, follow and share your experience with me.


    • splinterlands : weekly event held by splinterlands
    • canva : to edit the images in this blog poster
    • link refferal : for those of you who are new or will try to play splinterland
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