MES Livestream 33: War with Iran Predictive Programming

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Join me as I cover the upcoming (and long planned) war with Iran which will likely lead to World War 3. I also cover the latest in Ashton Forbes MH370 video fakery as well as a 9/11 disinfo agent attacking MES, all while I try to improve my microphone!

    April 20, 2024 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT

    More Streams: MES Livestreams - All Livestreams

    Stream Notes and Links


    1. MES Links, Donate, Super Fan

      • 7 MES Super Fans so far! Can filter comments by Super Fans.
      • YouTube takes 30% from Super Chats. 30% of $9.99 is $3 and not $6.66.
    2. Call me Math, Easy, or MES, or MathMath, up to y'all haha

    3. Make mic louder: Computer randomly lowers mic sound in the settings for no reason at all.. Guest had louder volume, try headphones mic instead. Make sure volume is same for MES and Guest, even if guest has to lower their volume. Double check live in browser. Record a test before going live.

    4. OBS can stream to rumble at same time? Maybe next time if I can figure it out.

    5. Iran may have bought Gold just before attacking Israel:

    6. Weather control:

  • Debris seems to be falling on WTC 5, possibly the (planted) fuselage:

  • Building 7 X Thread:

  • Ball Lightning Footage:

  • Faraday's electrochemical paradox:

  • Missing bolts in the "plane" debris steel columns:

  • Tim Ventura met John Hutchison multiple times at his Vancouver home:

    • Transmutation at Hutchison Effect regions or trace elements moving towards that region.
    • Steel Knife in alluminum block was cut in half with a saw afterwards. Different melting points = jellification.
    • Grainy / sandy / non-smooth regions.
    • Effect usually starts at the end or middle of samples
    • John's legendary Hutchison Balcony. has a machine gun.
    • 3000 pounds of equipment vibrating at the end.
    • See video description for links to photos of samples and spectroscopy results by Dr. George Hathaway:
  • Scott Myers update: Kazimir talks to Carrie's attorneys??

  • ARA 9/11 archive photos.

  • Ashton Forbes fake professor simon

  • Tupac ballet

  • Joe Rogan satanist

  • Disinfo agent bot created in this month solely to post Simon Shack video fakery nonsense:

  • Geoengineering San Fransciso:

  • Crowley book: Page 137:

  • Trump solar eclipse add:

  • Smart fit Battle of Jericho 1967:

  • MAGA Michael Flynn prayer vs occult new ager:

  • Trump the Last President:

  • TikTok Odessa video has over 100k views!

  • Trump deepfake detected:

    • Osama Bin Laden deep fake detected:
  • You're SELFISH covid parody:

  • Epic solar eclipse thread:

  • Allen Forrest emailing Tom Cowan about 9/11.

  • Eiffel Tower = magnetic field Earth strike discharge and not lightening strike?

  • Interlacing further debunks CGI.

  • 9/11 explosion: jacket or person??

    • Arms are pushed forward and not backward.
  • Mark Conlon website update with lots of declassified files:

    • Team 7 / Team 8 = planes files.
    • 9/11 Planes Research on Substack:
    • ELTs can't be manually updated, only on impact. And all went off at different times than the impacts.
    • No ELTs, official document, no serial number so how to match parts to planes... Shanksville has serial number though. FOIA has no record of debris matching serial numbers:
  • ELTs that did go off were not from 9/11 "planes" and were too early.
  • Mike Byrd troll:
  • ELT documents:
  • 9/11 Flight Simulator:

  • AI Missile Swarms...

  • Quantum Wave wireless energy transmission company:

  • Ashton Forbes says he's "too busy" and "unconvinced" by 9/11 DEW hahahah

  • Bombing suspect has the eye thing??

  • Pringles Potato Chip is in the shape of a hyperbolic paraboloid.

  • Andrew Johnson's book: Earth but not as we know it:

  • Rare footage of steel beams fuming:

  • Alleged Passengers on 9/11 deep dive:

  • Actual large planes vs 9/11 black silhouette:

  • New York City Eric Adams and Police Commissioner are Freemasons... Simpsons is right, freemasons run the country (and world).

  • Eric Laithwaite colleagues knew he was right about gyroscopes but were scared of losing their jobs.

  • Michael Jackson 9/10 concert.

  • MES got its first troll bot hit piece video wowww

  • 9/11 Planes Research substack for plane / passenger / pilots info.

  • Kevin Westley 2nd "plane" footage is bizarre: a Person said "United Airplane" crashed into it… woww disinfo agent. "on purpose"… "737". Includes slow motion at the end. Plays it again with music and UN et al buildings. 100% disinfo agent. Zooming in on what appears to be paper but actually weird orbs.

  • World Order japanese band has 33 videos total since 2021...

  • AI 9/11 video with disinfo agent part:

  • Photos of the 2nd "plane" show similar wing phasing out and orbs:

    • Photos have higher exposure than videos per frame.
  • HOlographic person in the sky in California??

  • RFK Jr big donar is Abby Rockefeller. RFK said jail climate change skeptics:

  • Sound waves to create holograms with sound and touch.

  • Dubai cloud seeding airport flood:

  • Twin Towers should've used NagarJuna cement LOL 🤣

  • Fake news censorship goes back centuries:

  • Rare documentary Somewhere Out There of John Hutchison by Dominique Radwanski:

    • She died in 2016 at the age of 36 when her body was found in Georgian Bay, Ontario...
  • 33 coincidences:

  • 9/11 Revisionist waking peepz up:

  • Canada vax injury support:

  • Ashton Forbes MH370 fake video has contrails move independently of plane.

  • 9/11/1968 Air France flight 1611 crashes. Theres speculation from the families that it was shot down by a missile if you read the Wikipedia:

  • 9/11 Predictive Programming archive article:

  • Andrew Johnson on Substack:

  • Mark Conlon summary of 9/11 "planes" data + April 23 interview with Jerm Warfare:

  • Twin Towers Egypt symbology.

  • X Threads on MES Links

  • Venus 77 doomsday plane over the pentagon on 9/11??

  • Prince 9/11 Osama 2001 prediction in 1998:

  • Trump Twins predictive programming and fake assassination:

  • Ron Muckle asks Alien Scientist about Ball Lightning and 9/11, but AS squirms...

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