Mastering Functional English: A Toastmaster's Roleplay Journey

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Good day everyone, for today's blog, I would like to share with all of you my experience during presenting a role-play in Functional English. Before we performed, another group performed first. The topic for this blog is our presentation of a role-play about different speeches. First was the Anchor.



    Scene 1:


    Edina: Good day, Philippines! It's 4:45 PM, Saturday, December 27th. I'm Edina Villegas.

    Gwyneth: I'm gwyneth.

    Edina & Gwyneth: You are watching VV News Tv.

    Edina: For today’s headlines, a girl attempted suicide because she didn't know how to cook an egg.

    Gwyneth: A young girl got hurt by a firecracker in Naga City.



    [Edina hands over the spotlight to the on-the-ground reporter, Mary Jhaien.]

    Edina: Now, let's dig deeper into the Naga City incident. This unfortunate event happened during new year, turning joy into distress. The victim, a girl we don't know much about yet, got hit by a firecracker. For more details, let's go to our on-the-ground reporter, Mary Jhaien. What's happening there, Jhaien?

    JHAIEN: Thanks, Edina and Gwy. The celebration was amazing until chaos broke out. People are saying someone sneaked in and messed with the fireworks, causing unexpected explosions.

    Gwyneth: Troubling turn of events indeed, Jhaien. Do we have any updates on the condition of the girl who was hit by the firecracker? (1).gif

    Jhaien: Right now, Gwy, I'm with queencie and her family. Ma'am, what really happened that night?

    Mymae(Queencie's Mother): (teary-eyed) It was supposed to be a joyful celebration, but then the fireworks went haywire. Queencie was just standing there, and the next thing we knew, she was injured.

    Rodel (Queencie's Father): (angry) Whoever messed with those fireworks has ruined our family's celebration. We demand justice for what happened to our daughter.

    Jhaien: Edina, Gwy, the emotions here are intense, and the family is desperate for answers and accountability. We'll keep you updated on any developments in this distressing situation.

    Jhaien: That's the latest from Naga City. Back to you, Edina.

    Edina: Thank you, Jhaien, for bringing us those updates. Hoping for a fast recovery for queencie. Gwy: Now, let's move on to the weather forecast. Kuya Brix.


    SCENE 2:


    Brix: Good evening, everyone. This is your daily weather report from VV News TV. Today, a typhoon has entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility, and it's named Typhoon Paulo. It boasts a formidable wind speed of 218 kph, gustiness reaching 200 kph, and a steady movement at 20 kph. According to the Metro Weather Clock, Typhoon Paulo is anticipated to make landfall in the eastern Visayas as its direction progresses in the west-northwest.

    Brix: Residents in the eastern Visayas and Bicol region are advised to prepare for heavy rain and strong winds as Typhoon Paulo approaches. Stay informed and take necessary precautions. I'm your weatherman, Brix Cobacha, bringing you the latest updates on VV News TV. Stay safe, everyone.

    Gwyneth: Thank you, Kuya Brix, for the weather update. Stay safe, Philippines! That concludes our news coverage for today. I'm Gwyneth.
    Edina: And I'm Edina. Thank you for joining us on VV News TV. Stay tuned for more updates.



    The group 1 had finished, and our group was next. Then, we were presented with one of the types of speeches, which was Toastmaster. I acted as the toastmaster, and the event I prepared was about a gender reveal. This is what happened. (4).gif (5).gif

    A Bundle of Joy

    Introduction of narrator: The room is decorated with pink and blue balloons, creating an air of anticipation. Over 200 in total of Friends and family gather, chatting excitedly.

    1st intro: "I am Fritz Alegarbez, your host for this event."

    2nd intro: "And this event is entitled 'A Bundle of Joy.'"

    3rd intro: "Toastmaster/Fritz: Welcome, everyone, to this special moment! We're about to reveal the gender of our little one." (7).gif

    Toastmaster/Fritz: Let's welcome Mr. And Mrs. Generosa. Please stand at the center and hold the neutral balloon.

    Toastmaster/Fritz: Are you ready to find out if it's a he or she?

    "Crowd cheers in anticipation."

    (looking at partner)
    Shall we do the honors?

    Jose Rene-

    "They Burst the balloon together, revealing either pink or blue papers." (6).gif


    It's a Girl!

    "Crowd erupts in cheers and applause."

    We're over the moon! Thank you all for sharing in this moment with us.

    "Everyone celebrates with laughter, hugs, and perhaps a few tears of joy." (8).gif

    Toastmaster/Fritz: As the curtains draw to a close on this event, I want to express my gratitude for all of your time and efforts. Let's take the energy from today and continue to create beautiful memories in our lives. Once again, I am Fritz Alegarbez, your host. Good evening.


    I felt so happy when I saw it on social media at first. I was really nervous, but as time passed, I got used to it. Doing things like this can boost my self-confidence, and I've learned that we shouldn't be afraid to try new things. Who knows, it might be your destiny to lead you to success.

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