Nowadays I think parent today have lost that discipline spirit unlike parent of those days, they now spread the rod and spoil the child completely, have seen kids who do bad things and still run to their parent for protection and instead of discipline them, they will just say some words and free the child, all this everyday word instead of discipline only encourage such child to engage in the same act because he or she already knows that there won't be discipline but just mere words. I remembered when I was growing up, is not like we do receive beating everyday but after each warning, such act will come with a deserving punishment and want make it interesting is the unity between the parent, they support each other when it come to discipline, Dad don't always discipline that much but if he did, you will never forget it and that is what actually instill that fear in us.
When it come to picking between corporal punishment Or through word of mouth, it will always be the two for me, I really don't have strength to beat someone even my mom knows that anytime she ask me to discipline the last born and I will just let her know beating always attract headache, corporal punishment doesn't really mean flogging or slapping the child, there are ways to discipline a child that he or she will never forget, when I was in school, the way teachers beat student always fear me, one teacher beat someone till she faint and his eyes cleared afterward, it look like he was possess all because he want to discipline, yet there are some who don't beat but ask you to stool down for mins, or stand on a leg while spreading their hands, if you are not sweating, they won't free you at all. I rather give my child those kind of punishment than flogging them all the time.
When it come to word of mouth, it is a good thing to some extent but without action taken, it is just mere word and at some point, it wont mean anything to the child even he commit a severe crime, there was this story I read online, a woman and her child were in a church after their sunday service, the child was playing around, scattering chair and all and at some point, he was tired, so he went to meet a man who was pressing his phone (Iphone) and demanding to have like (you know how child behave) but this man refuse since his phone was expensive and it isn't proper, then the child started crying and his mother was like "uncle give him your phone na, he is just a child", the man refuse and ask the woman to give the child her own phone, another man in the church who witness the whole situation started rebuking the man, calling him cruel and all, then the child went to meet him and he gave him his samsung s21, the child was happy but he smash the phone on the ground, everyone was surprised even the mother and she just called him and was asking why he did that.
The guy with the Iphone was just smiling and focus on his own phone while the samsung man was shouting on the boy mother that she need to clean the mess her child did and repair his phone, but the mother said she can't since she didn't ask him to give the boy his samsung to play with. The thing there was that, if she has discipline the boy when he was scattering things in the church instead of just using word to ask him to stop, it won't lead to the smashing of phone situation, whenever it require to discipline a child in a corporal way, don't hesitate even if it is just to spank the child, it goes a long way than just word.
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