Running On Snooze.

in voilk •  6 days ago

    I just know what my day is going to look like from the way I wake up. If I wake up at the first ring of the alarm with a burst of energy and just tiny bit of excitement to get into my activities, then I know it's definitely going to be a good day. But, if otherwise, then probably an incoming lazy day is around the corner. Just like today, the moment I snoozed my alarm for the third, I just knew today might just be that day for me. It had rained the night before after so many weeks of hot nights and honestly, getting out of bed seemed like something I would do at a gunpoint. My bed felt extra comfortable as I stared with guilt at the time that said 7:00am on my phone. If things had gone right, I would've been up an hour ago and I would've gotten most of my chores done. It's something I'm been trying to lock in on, waking up early. I'm not such a morning person, not even close. I'd rather stay up late doing whatever might get me up so early the next day.

    But remembering I had work to do I dragged myself out of bed. Getting ready was another struggle on a different level. Starting with the chores, everything took slower that usual. On my pro-level multi-tasker days, I'll probably have breakfast cooking and indulging myself in other little activities but not today, I was doing everything one at a time. At some point, it felt like I was having a hangover, no single ounce of energy or even a sense of urgency. By the time I was finally ready to leave, it was past 10am. Transportation had its own unfair share in my dilemma, we had no idea there was a roadblock in the regular route because of some ongoing road construction. When we got to the dead-end, there's was no going back to follow another route and going forward means I had to put my legs to good use, which I wasn't particularly willing to do but had to.

    My thoughts as I walked my way to the next bus stop was just to get to work and find something meaningful to do at least before the day runs out. Getting to work, I was greeted with no electricity, a dead PC and my tired self. The last fuel had been used to power the generator by people who came earlier than I did, the only thing I had to do was pray the light comes back on and maybe by then I would've gotten some inspiration. None of which I got afterwards, then I started to get sleepy.

    A major dilemma

    I watched the remaining part of the morning roll by and then came noon, while thinking of the best way to make the time go faster. Safe to say, I've given up on whatever the day has to offer. A convenient time to become unborthered and listening to Bruno Mars lazy song, relating to all the lyrics. I mean if someone felt that way enough to write a song about it, then it's probably a real thing and this is my conclusion; not everyday is the typical productive day. Most days, you just have to focus more on breathing, it's a good job on its own don't you think?

    Cover Image is mine
    Image 2 from screenshots

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