How i sarted to love photography

in voilk •  4 months ago

    For someone who liked taken pictures but never really saw the need taking interest in photography out of some circumstances found herself in a photography class.

    So I'm in 3rd year and for my program we are given four borrowed courses to choose one from it. After making enquires i planned to do management but fortunately and unfortunately when i opened my portal to register my courses management wasn't in, i was later told it was rectified but by then i had chosen photography. I'm not going to lie after choosing it, it kinda felt weird but then again I'm happy for that little fault that happened


    The lecturer makes us do practical, not always because of the class size but with one he grouped us and gave us questions but then again, we were supposed to pick any type of photography then take pictures of what we chose then take pictures of us taking pictures. So, my group chose nature photography because we thought we could get more stuff to take with that type of photography


    That was the day i fell in love with photography, even though i don't have a camera it didn't stop me from taking pictures with the others. They didn't have a camera too but had good phone, mine not so good but i bet my pictures were better than theirs i guess the love spiced it up too. It was an amazing experience though.


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