markyMark bot vote seller to the judge!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Ladies and gentlemen of the courtroom, I have to say, this is a first for me. I've presided over cases ranging from petty theft to some truly wild antics, but selling bot votes for cash? That's a new level of creativity!

    Now, let's address the elephant in the room... or should I say, the bot in the courtroom? Selling bot votes is like trying to sneak a fake ID past a bouncer who happens to be a retired FBI agent with a keen eye and a photographic memory.

    But hey, we're here for justice, right? And in this case, justice is like a big, juicy steak... with a side of punishment. So, after careful consideration and a lot of eye-rolling at the audacity of it all, I've come to a decision.

    I hereby sentence you to... drumroll, please... the death of your bot army! That's right, no more late-night coding sessions, no more shady deals in dark corners of the internet. Your bots are officially retired, sent to the digital graveyard, if you will.

    And just to make sure you're not tempted to pull any more digital shenanigans, I'm sentencing you to community service... as a human captcha! That's right, you'll spend your days deciphering squiggly letters and clicking on street signs to prove you're not a bot yourself.

    So let this be a lesson to you and all would-be bot entrepreneurs out there: the internet may be the Wild West, but in this courtroom, we wrangle justice with a firm hand and a healthy dose of humor. Case closed... and scene!

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