Battle Mage Secrets - Counterspell

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Greetings Summoners! Welcome to Battle Mage Secrets. The Battle Mage Secrets is a challenge where every week players must test their strategic skills in battle for specific rules. This week the specific rule is "Counterspell":

    • All units receive the magic reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with magic receive damage back.

    • Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.

    • Magic units with the reflection shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.

    This battle was played in the Wild format of the Splinterlands Bronze league, where all cards are allowed at the following levels: common 3, rare 2, epic 2 and legendary 1.It's important to play with cards at the maximum level of the league in order not to be at a disadvantage. Let's see the rules, the team and the details of the battle.

    Battle Rules

    This is a 38 mana battle with the "Counterspell" rule. All elements except Life and Death are allowed to play.

    CounterspellAll units receive the magic reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with magic receive damage back.

    Strategy & Tips

    • Line up monsters in ascending order.

    • Do not use magic attack monsters.

    • Pick a strong tank!

    • The amplify ability increases damage.

    • Monsters with high speed are important.

    My Lineup

    Possibilus the Wise is a leviathan from the future that has adapted to rule on both land and sea. His mission is to find and secure the lost sacred rune tablets of his race that were shattered into pieces and strewn across time and space by the entity known only as Desolation. In his present time, a war rages on his home world of Nyuuldus, but Possibilus was tasked with traveling into the past and the future to find these runestone fragments and return with them to defeat Desolation. Possibilus the Wise has formidable psionic powers, which include psychokinesis and telepathy. When he enters battle, his runic armor glows and his runic disc spins, emitting a disorienting light. He then attacks with his psychokinetic power and ferocious bite and talons while communicating telepathically with his allies to lead them to victory.

    Possibilus the Wise: Strong legendary summoner that gives +2 HP, Trample and Reach to all friendly monsters at the start of the battle.

    Baakjira: Strong tank with high HP. Its "Slow" ability reduces the Speed of all enemy monsters allowing our monsters to attack first and have less chance to miss.

    Kulu Mastermind: Very useful card as it gives adjacent units with no attack this unit's attack, up to a maximum of 3.

    Noa the Just: This card reduces the armor of all enemy units by 2.

    Deeplurker: Incredible card with high speed that can attack from any position and target the enemy monster with the lowest HP.

    Uraeus: This card can target the last monster on the enemy team. This is a very effective card for killing enemy monsters with low HP that players often use in the last position.

    Pelacor Bandit: I choose Pelacor Bandit as my sixth and last card position because it has a decent Speed and Flying ability, which gives him a more chance to dodge monsters with melee and ranged attacks.

    The Battle

    Click here to see the full battle!


    This was a great battle. I think my strategy worked quite well. We've cleverly used the mana cap of battle to make a pretty good team and win the battle. The melee attack and Sneak ability of our friendly monsters were very effective, as we managed to quickly kill the enemy monsters in the back line. So I am happy with the result and the strategy I used. I won +38 rating points, +1169 reward points and +0.099 SPS for this victory in the Bronze league.

    Personally I like the "Counterspell" rule, but we have to be careful not to use monsters with magic attack. We have to avoid using monsters with magic attack and instead use monsters with melee and ranged attack. This way we will have more chances to win.

    Battle results

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