If The Shop Ain't Clean The Work Ain't Clean!

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Well Hello There Horsepower Lovers!!

    It Can't Get More Whack!

    So a few weeks back we booked in a loose BMW transmission and well we tore it down and gave the guy a quote. We have done quite a bit of work for the person who brought it in and he only works on BMW, so what he did was book it in and ask for a quotation on the transmission (What it would cost to fix it) and we've not heard back from him.

    Randomly one day he just pops in and asks for something that he sent the transmission with, the transmission mounting bracket.

    He told bossman that he already bought another transmission because it was cheaper.



    Well Now?

    Well now he had to remove that transmission and bring that one to us as well! He asked us what is the cheapest we can rebuild them for. Bossman told him we can help him but bring the other transmission and we can make one of the two?

    Sounds like a smacking deal right? For that guy though? We just need to pick the best out of the two transmissions. Hopefully they don't have the same problems! That would be a bit on the down side!

    But it's not exactly that, that gets me! It's this?


    I Wont Be Happy!

    Not by a long shot I tell you this! Not by a long shot!

    From what I understand is that they already fitted this transmission and that's how they saw it's also not exactly right.

    Oh dear they fitted this? Just like this? What even?

    Take a look at the sheer amount of grime sticking to the lower side of the bellhousing and the seal it self!

    Does this guy not know how to remove a torque converter or does he not know how to re-fit it back?


    That's a lot better isn't it?

    I mean it's not cleaned 100% but it's power washed so whatever remained would like have to be scraped off or sand blasted off!

    Now it's in a condition to tear down! See we like things to be clean because the cleaner they are the cleaner the shop can be! If it has an insane amount of dirt on it we wap it! Because otherwise when tearing it down the sand would legitly cover all of the internals as it falls and spreads around on the teardown table!


    I Hope It's Good!

    Actually I shouldn't because the more fucked it is the more cash we can bring in. Yeah capitalism baby!

    I can't help but wonder if they actually replaced the oil sump pan which also contains the filter for the transmission? Because it doesn't at all look like they did!

    Piece of junk.


    Not Even A Rinse?

    Dang, I must be the only fool that would flush things? How can people not do this when buying transmissions from scrapyards? How can they not do it?

    I swear they legitly just picked this one up from the scrapyard with the converter still in and pressed it in just like that, no two shits given at all!

    And this guy has a frikking big name, I'm bam faffled! Let me tell you one thing, if the shop ain't clean the work ain't clean! That's a fact I don't care if you argue! It's a fact!


    The Words Are Little.

    Okay I get it sometimes you don't want to overspend and especially so if you've already over spent right?

    But dammit dude if not buying a new filter and pan at-least clean out the magnets? I mean seriously? A proper drain and magnet cleaning? Heck my guy for all you know this sump pan was filled with water and now all of the water got sucked up into the converter.... because oil floats on water, think a little my peeps! It's free!


    Hopefully She Works.

    Actually all we need to fix the other one up nicely would be this valve-body! If this one is square and right we can fix her up easy easy. No guarantee though... I mean you chose to do it this way right?

    No full rebuild and no warranty, I legitly spoke of this yesterday xD We only do rebuild and slight exceptions for people we know, but damn! No guarantee! That's a hectic one I'd rather take the guarantee than that!


    Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

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