#MyLEOGoals - Big Week Ahead!

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Rumor has it, there's some big things happening in $LEO Land!

    Sadly, I have no idea of exactly what is happening lol I have the horrible habit of not listening to the replays of the AMA but I'm guessing it's got to do with....MAYA?

    Oh yeah, and Monday is the solar eclipse too, so that's always fun :)

    But this past week I added a bunch of LEO to my bags. I delegated a huge chunk of my $HIVE Power to @leo.voter over the past 7 days and was getting around 120-130 LEO a day. Such a nice bump :)

    I had to undelegate this week though, as Jongo needs some more liquid Hive to sell. But I'm still stacking LEO no matter what :)

    There's a few things I've been seeing that's got me excited about the entire LEO ecosystem, but some others that concern me....There still seems to be issues with the front end. I can never get the mobile version to work properly, and image uploads weren't working at all for me last week.

    Could be user error, as you guys know, I'm not the most technical dude around but still....It's so important for LEO to hammer down the user experience. This stuff needs to be flawless if we are going to be attracting outside potential users. If things don't work perfectly, people will just leave. Hey it's social media right, and most have the attention spans of gold fish.

    So I'm crossing my fingers, that what we have works perfectly instead of always adding new things, let's get the stuff that's out there right now, working without a hitch. Happy thriving Lions = Happy thriving token prices LOL

    Or so they say....

    Anywho, let's have a look at how we did this past week on the platform:

    150,000 LEO Power

    Oh baby it's getting hot in here lol

    150,000 - 123,460.09 = 26,539.91 left to go

    I added almost 1000 $LEO this past week, mostly from two avenues...



    My rewards for creating has gone waaaaaay down, and that all comes down to not being around as much and producing content daily. But wow, out of sight, out of mind folks...If you are trying to build a rep on this platform, don't take too many days off LOL

    Speaking of curation....

    That's crazy!

    Like I mentioned last week, I think it has to do with the price of Hive, but it's gone down over the week...Not sure if that higher APR has to do with the price, or what not. Who knows....I just like people's stuff on chain lol

    But once again, the upcoming week is supposed to be a huge one for LEO, so I'm excited to see what's coming up. Just hope things continue to grow, and the community continues to prosper :)

    Hope you guys have a fantastic 7 days and I'll see you throughout the week!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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