Day 46/366 Y2024 : POBPhotocontest - THe Hanging Bridges

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello again my fellow photography lovers, another photo challenge was given to us by @friendlymoose. Bridge is a very interesting theme for this week, since all over the world their are may bridges. So we get to see different type of bridges from all over the world. Just waiting for entries of other participants excites me because of this reason.

    So to add to the collection of different bridges here I am @suteru representing the highlands of the Philippines. I will show you the hanging bridges that we use to cross the rivers during rainy season, and also its easier to pass thru them than just walking below on the river during summer too.

    Presenting our Bridge. Found in Tabaan Norte, Benguet, Philippines.


    Passing through this bridge you will feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins. It is shaking as you take a single step, exciting right? But after passing thru here many times, I can see it's totally safe, all you have to do is hold tight.

    We passed through here during our mini hiking trip going up in the mountain to visit our cousin. We passed through little bridges and this is just one of them.


    Here is a photo of the bridge from the other side, also you can see here how clear the water of the river is. It's nice to see things haven't change much over the years. It is still the clear river that we used to know as a child.


    Another view of the river, it's summer so the water flowing is not that much .

    Like I said the photo above is just one of the bridges that we passed through. Here is another one. It was shorter making it more stable ,so we can pass through it in groups.


    How I wish I could visit again this place and take more photos so I can take you guys with us in our hiking adventure even just by showing what our place has to offer.

    Now that was quick, this now conclude my entry for this weeks' contest. I hope to see more bridges from around the world.

    Have a good day everyone, see you in the next one!

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