Another Baby Is On The Way!

in voilk •  last month

    I've been sitting on this bit of news for the last couple of weeks, but after going for our official scan/ check up thing today, I decided it was a fairly good time to announce it.

    We're delighted to introduce a new addition to the family. We have no idea what the gender is, as we're only 13 weeks through at the moment, and the gender isn't formed until 16-20 weeks. When it's time though we'll find out and will most likely do a gender reveal for our friends and family.

    The gender reveals are a lot of fun, but most of all, it's a good chance to have a get together and see everyone.

    I have a feeling it'll be a girl, and it would be nice to have one of each, but neither of us really have a preference and are happy as long as the baby is happy and healthy.

    Here's a nice photo Aimee took of the scan photo, with one of Kaleb's baby blankets, and a pair of his vans.

    We're both absolutely delighted, and can't wait to welcome the little thing into the family.

    Hopefully Kaleb will like the idea of having a little brother or sister. He'll be around 2 and a half by time the new baby comes along, and at that age he'd be old enough to potentially get a little jealous, but he has cousins younger than him and has always gotten along well with them, so we're thinking it'll be okay.

    Here's a weird picture of the little creature.

    It looks like a cross between a Gremlin, and one of the Martians from Mars Attacks.

    Definitely one for their 18th birthday party haha.

    It'll be exciting, and I'm happy that they'll both be fairly close in age. I've spoken with people who have had kids with much larger age gaps and they say it can be frustrating to be done with all the baby stuff only to go right back to square one with the new arrival. We won't really have that problem though.

    Also, Kaleb has two more cousins on the way at the moment too, so Aimee, my sister, and her brothers partner are all pregnant at the same time this time, all at varying stages.

    So that means that there will be 6 little rug rats running around this time next year.

    We're going to need a double buggy, and a few other bits and pieces, but for the most part we have everything we will need, because we didn't get rid of any of Kaleb's stuff.

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