Rooftop Netting : Trying to Ease the Heat

in voilk •  2 months ago

    The heating is getting really annoying this past few days that even during night you can still feel how warm the temperature is. And to make things worst the concrete roof of the house is making the inside warmer.

    So to reduce the heat that the roof is absorbing during the day we decided to put a net. Good thing we have online shopping that got our back when we want to buy something, it takes a couple of days to arrive but at least it's convenient.

    We bought a total of 3 nets , it's not enough but it covered most part of the roof.
    To start, I stood poles on the sides so I can attach the ropes of the net to stretch them properly. It's easy installing it but the heat is what's making me exhausted. It's my fault anyway for not starting early.

    Just in time after I installed the first net the supervisor came to check if what I'm doing is right according to his standards.

    It's getting hotter not only from the sun but also the surface so I got back to work. Good thing I had enough cables to use I was able to install it a little faster .

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