The sacrifice I made to keep my family going(secret) LOH #175

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello everyone! This week's question is amazing, thanks to @nainaztengra and @ladiesofhive for bringing this up.

    A Woman is always expected to make sacrifices for her family. Have you ever sacrificed anything important for your loved ones and never spoken about it? Would you like to share your story with us?

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    Some years ago, 2018 to be precise my husband entered a loan which he will be paying twenty thousand (#20,000) as interest of six hundred thousand (#600,000) 🤔 He was unable to make a refund after a year, so the interest is multiplying and this doubled the loan he collected.

    Note: the loan was used on education, my husband acquired two master's degrees just for him to get a better job offer. Has he gotten a better offer? NO!

    The frustration and temptation to kill himself started when the loaner was calling him from time to time, threatening to arrest him, embarrass him in public, or seize his property 🤔 My husband was unable to sleep for a month and I was pregnant with our second child. He was already thinking otherwise.

    Immediately, I thought of so many negative things, what if he commit suicide on this matter? Will I be a widow? My children, are they going to be fatherless? All these thoughts ran through my mind and I became sleepless too with my condition.

    I have never told anyone (secret)

    The only way forward is to sacrifice my earnings to stop the rain of disgrace coming to my family. I also need to get a loan to cover the one on the ground. Both of us are teachers, then I decided to take a loan with my salary as a result, my take home every month was Nine thousand naira only (#9,000) and my husband's take-home was seven thousand naira (#7,000) for two years. Problem!

    How we were feeding, paying rent, paying school fees of our daughter and other things was on God and me as a wife and a mother. Every penny I see goes for this loan. Everything becomes so unbearable throughout 2018,2019 2020 and 2021.

    Nobody knew what I was going through at that moment, I had an aged mother to take care of and family responsibility on my neck but I kept on pushing without telling anyone what I was going through. You will never see me down, always looking radiant to the glory of God but things were bad for us. To feed became the major challenge, we consume whatever we see even while pregnant to the extent of nursing my baby🤔🤔

    I made a lot of sacrifices to keep my home from sorrow, I denied myself so many things to stay alert, and I became the prayer warrior when everything seemed going down. My husband woke up one day telling me he needed to sell our only land so that we could be freed from this mess🙆 God forbid! Where do we start from again?

    In all these, nobody knew what I went through for a good 4years. Instead, our love became stronger with each passing day. He never believed I could make that sacrifice for him.
    What can I do to save my marriage from this mess?

    Using all your earnings for me is a huge sacrifice that I will never forget in a jiffy, you denied yourself so many things just to keep me living. I don't know how to repay you for this huge sacrifice, my love (in my husband's voice). Then, I told him, he was/is a good man to me and the best father to his children👌

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    That was how we settled the loan with a lot of sacrifices without anyone meddling in our affairs and it remained a secret until I shared it as part of my sacrifice to the one I love genuinely here on Hive.

    If I don't take care of my home, who will? If I don't care for the one I love,who will?

    There can be no progress, no achievement, without sacrifice, and a man's worldly success will be in the measure that he sacrifices.”― James Allen

    This is my participation in the ladies of the community weekly prompt 175.
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