My health my priority: cultivating a safe method for drinking water

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Water is man most used commodity on earth and I don't think anyone can do without it not even plants and animals. It is use for various reasons starting from our homes and then industries for different production. But then it's so unfortunate how water has become a scare commodity in most communities, people literally struggles to get water especially during the drought season.


    Right from the early stage of my primary school, if there is that one definition I am asked even if I just woke up from bed, then it would be water. To the point that we used water definition as a song. After leaving the assembly ground, before class activities began there are few recitations we do of what we have been taught the previous time which off course that of water is not left out.

    Then as I graduated to the lower secondary class, we were taught water chemical formula H 2O. It became our normal language as one day we went to the school cafeteria to buy sachet water since we know the women that sells are not well learned, we decided to tease the one that sells water. Instead of telling her to give us sachet water we told her we want to buy H 2O. She was like do you students know what you are saying? We answered yes in unison. Then she said I don't sell H 2O. You know how students behave at times, we told her that ma you have it and she said I don't have. when it seemed like she was getting pissed off, we told her it's water but then it brought a smile on her face and her raging anger died off because she learnt something new.


    After my Dad was gifted a water dispenser in his place of work during his 20th celebration in service, he decided we make use of the dispenser and we stopped buying sachet water. But then how long will he keep buying cway water? We didn't use it for up to a week before we stopped. According to my dad it was expensive buying cway's and each container doesn't last for more than two days so we returned back to buying pure water as it is mostly called. After sometime, two bags of water could only last us for two days and we have to go buy again. My Dad was not complaining but my mom the economist minister brought the traditional method of drinking safe water which is boiling and filtration.

    Boiling and filtration is one of the oldest method by which people are able to make their water free from germs. So early in the morning before the well is disturbed, we normally fetch our drinking water which after we boil, allow to cool and filter. After filtering we fill the water in empty cans to put in the refrigerator and since the cans can't take all the water, we have a special bucket in the house mainly for putting drinking water so the rest of the water is poured into it. literally boiling and filtration is one of the safest way by which we get good drinking water.

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    Aside boiling, there are other ways by which people can purify their water for drinking which is through "Iodine addition". Iodine is a chemical that is available both in liquid and tablet form. It is said to be extremely powerful in killing germs. "Chlorination" is another method for making water safe, it involves adding a measured amount of chlorine to kill bacterias, cysts and viruses.

    Although all the other chemical methods are good but adding chemicals to water a times makes the water have a particular odor so boiling and filtration is most recommended.

    All thanks to #HiveLearners community for this amazing weekly prompt, what are you drinking.

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