When is God’s time for us to get married? When is God’s time for us to do this and that? I know questions like this rock our minds all the time which is normal and sometimes, when we try something, it doesn’t work out and these questions pops on our minds again.
Sadly, not everytime is an opportune time. The fact that we want to do something doesn’t mean that God will make it happen all the time and if we ever try out something and it doesn’t work out, it means that it isn’t God’s time for you to achieve such thing so it is nothing to worry or panic about.
When you are already obeying the ways of the Lord and you are already following his wills, you won’t even be bothered or asking about when God’s time is. If you are in the way of the Lord, you will have a spirit of discern which will help you know that it is right time for you to do or execute something.
In the Bible, Galatians 6:10 says; As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith
If we have the opportunity to do and execute something good, that is God’s perfect time because it is not possible to do what is good everytime you want to do it. There are lapses in life and such things happen at times.
And when we plan things that Satan hinders, we should have in mind that God doesn’t want it to happen.
If God truly wants something to happen, it means it’s his perfect time and there is nothing that will make it not to happen because such thing has been approved by God.
God’s perfect time is when your plans happen accordingly.