in voilk •  4 months ago



    El lunes pasado, 11 de marzo del presente año, mi hijo, Mathias Andrés cumplió 6 años, ya todo un niño grande...

    Este año decidimos cantarle cumpleaños en su escuela, en conjunto con sus compañeros de clases, para que fuese algo distinto y pudiera compartir un poco más, cabe resaltar que, a pesar de su condición de autismo, Mathias es un niño que le gusta interactuar y compartir con niños de su misma edad y en el salón a él lo aprecian mucho.

    Le hicimos unos cotillones para repartir a los amiguitos y a las maestras, el motivo era de Hulk ya que a Mathias le encanta.




    No le llevamos refresco por cuidar su dieta, pero si le lleve papelón con limón, y una torta EXQUISITA, que la hizo mi esposo @soychalbed, con masa para torta libre de gluten, se endulzó con un endulzante natural muy bueno que encontramos, libre de gluten también, es apto para personas veganas y diabéticas y para aquellas que están en dieta Keto, y la crema Chantilly para decorar la torta tambien era libre de gluten.


    No nos podía faltar el cotillón de él, mientras que los demás tenían chuchería, él de Mathias le colocamos lo que el podía comer, para no excluirlo en nada.




    Pero, algo paso...

    Al llegar al salón con su torta Mathias se alteró, ya veníamos trabajando es eso, le informamos desde dias atrás que ese día era su cumpleaños y que íbamos a llevarle una torta, le cantabamos cumpleaños en casa para que asosiara y todo bien, pero hubo algo que realmente lo detonó.

    Pienso que, cuando llegamos no sabíamos que había otras niñas en el salón de mi hijo que había cumplido años, y también le llevaron una torta ese día, al mismo tiempo, nosotros le hablamos de su torta, pero no le dijimos que había otra torta, evidentemente no sabíamos, por ende, automáticamente cambio si estado de ánimo.

    Lamentablemente no hubo manera de que estuviera presente cuando se canto el "Cumpleaños feliz", ni para entregarle los cotillones a sus amiguitos 😔 eso me puso muy triste.



    Mi esposo lo saco del salón, ya que estaba llorando mucho, las maestras lo agarraron, lo llevaron a otro salón y le dieron una plastilina, a él le encanta, y con eso lograron bajar los alterado que estaba y calmarlo, a tal punto que, luego quiso subir al salón y comerse su pedacito de torta, así como una de sus chucherías.

    Debemos implementar en casa una estrategia que le sirva a él para que modifique esa conducta, él antes cantaba cumpleaños sin ningún inconveniente a los miembros de la familia, a sus compañeros en la escuela y en diferentes partes, pero ya está es la 3ra vez que toma esa conducta, no me gustaría que se perdiera lo que conlleva la diversión de las fiestas de cumpleaños, así que, tomaré cartas en el asunto para poder erradicar esa conducta de raíz.

    Gracias por leer parte de mi, les envío un abrazo cargado de bendiciones.


    Last Monday, March 11th of this year, my son, Mathias Andres turned 6 years old, a big boy....

    This year we decided to sing his birthday at his school, together with his classmates, so that it would be something different and he could share a little more, it should be noted that, despite his autism condition, Mathias is a child who likes to interact and share with children of the same age and in the classroom he is very much appreciated.

    We made him some cotillions to hand out to his friends and teachers, the motif was the Hulk since Mathias loves it.




    We didn't bring him any soda to take care of his diet, but we did bring him some lemon balm, and an EXQUISITE cake, made by my husband @soychalbed, with gluten free cake batter, it was sweetened with a very good natural sweetener we found, gluten free too, it is suitable for vegan and diabetic people and for those who are on a Keto diet, and the whipped cream to decorate the cake was also gluten free.


    We could not miss his cotillion, while the others had candy, Mathias had what he could eat, so as not to exclude him in anything.




    But, something happened...

    When we arrived at the classroom with his cake Mathias got upset, we had already been working on it, we had informed him a few days before that it was his birthday and that we were going to bring him a cake, we sang birthday songs at home to get him excited and everything was fine, but there was something that really set him off.

    I think, when we arrived we didn't know that there were other girls in my son's classroom who had a birthday, and they also brought him a cake that day, at the same time, we told him about his cake, but we didn't tell him that there was another cake, obviously we didn't know, therefore, it automatically changed his mood.

    Unfortunately there was no way for her to be present when the "Happy Birthday" was sung, nor to give the cotillions to her friends 😔 that made me very sad.



    My husband took him out of the classroom, since he was crying a lot, the teachers grabbed him, took him to another classroom and gave him a plasticine, he loves it, and with that they were able to calm him down, to the point that he wanted to go up to the classroom and eat his piece of cake, as well as one of his sweets.

    We must implement a strategy at home that will help him to modify that behavior, he used to sing birthdays without any inconvenience to family members, to his classmates at school and in different places, but this is the 3rd time he takes that behavior, I would not want him to miss the fun of birthday parties, so I will take action to eradicate that behavior from the root.

    Thank you for reading part of me, I send you a hug full of blessings.

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