Robins Nest in the Holly Bush - by Sunscape

in voilk •  last month


    When you see a Robin going to the same place every day you have to investigate.

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    Sure enough, he was sitting on four eggs. I knew the pair had to have a nest nearby because they were in my yard throughout the day.


    The male is searching for food in the grass.


    Taking a dip in the pond as I sit on the porch. It is keeping a close eye on me the whole time.


    It wasn't long and then there were three. It looks like the fourth egg is hatching too. They sure look funny at this stage, don't they? I can't wait to see the little Robins appear in the yard with the parents. It will be interesting to see how long it takes them to leave the nest.

    Baby Squirrel

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    Look what else I found in the raspberry bed sitting against the house. It must have just come down out of the nest in the Maple tree when I walked by. It crouched so close to the house trying to hide from me.

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    I left it alone and waited on the porch to see if it would come out. Sure enough, it cautiously walked over to the Maple tree. I have the bird feeder right next to it. I watched as the baby started eating the birdseed.

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    The little squirrel is so darn cute. It kept watching me as I slowly walked closer and closer to get a picture of it.

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    Two days later another baby appeared with this one. They are probably siblings since they are exactly the same size. It was fun to watch the two of them chasing each other around the base of the tree.

    Spring is alive with life and I am certainly enjoying all the newcomers to my yard.

    Until next time, this is Sunscape
    Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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