in voilk •  5 months ago

    A few days ago, I went to Uncle G's house. I was sitting in his garden. Meanwhile the bell rang. A child came and asked for a shovel. Uncle opened a small closet-like room, on the door of which was written "Al-Maa'un" in large letters.


    He took out the shovel and gave it away. At the same time, he took out a small notebook and wrote down the date, time, and then wrote the child's name and parentage. Some time had passed, then the bell rang, a villager came and asked for a water pipe, uncle opened the room, took out the pipe, gave it to him and wrote the name of this gentleman on the notebook.

    I was watching this whole scene. Then we went to perform Zuhr prayer. When he returned after offering prayers, a boy was waiting with an ax and a "triangle". Uncle took both things, took out a notebook, found the boy's name, wrote "Received" and put the date.

    No longer left me. I asked them "You give these things on rent". He smiled and said, "I give all these things to the people of the neighborhood when they need them." Their rent is absolutely, but this rent is in Allah's account.

    Have you not read Surah Al-Ma'oon? Allah says:

    فَوَيۡلٞ لِّلْمُصِلِينَ

    It is a pity that there is a loss for those worshippers

    وَيَمۡنَعُونَ ٱلۡمَاعُونَ

    That is, "do not give things of common use to others on demand". So son! Ever since I understood this verse, I have made this store "Al-Maa'un".

    And all the common things like ax, hoe, spade, knife, hammer, pipe, etc., all the things that were already there in my house, I have collected here.

    Now whoever wants anything in the neighborhood comes and takes it, I write their name and date on the notebook. When the item comes back, I make a receipt.


    I was listening to them with pleasant surprise. He took a sip of tea and said, "I have bought some things, while many things were given to me by the local people themselves, so that you can keep them in Al-Ma'oon." When needed, they will take it, when someone else needs it, they will take it."

    Dear friends!

    I really like this idea of uncle with "Al-Ma'oon". We also ask for things from each other every day but often we don't give. This should not be done. Malik Karim has specifically addressed the worshipers and ordered them to make transactions and if they do not do so, he has threatened them with "Wail" i.e. the fire of hell.

    Therefore, things that are used must be mutually exclusive.

    However, it is also very important to treat a major disease *"not returning things". A quick solution is "Notebook". To be a reminder. And the thing should be asked back.

    The one who asks for something and takes it should also think. Return it on time, otherwise it will be a sin of breach of promise and causing suffering to others.


    Come on! Let us all start the practical interpretation of this verse by making at least one closet and diary of "Al-Ma'oon" in our homes today.

    If you want more information about related Tafseer of Surah Al-Ma'oon than watch thisVideo

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