When The Good One's Leave

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I think the best kind of people in our lives are those who never leave us the way they met us, they make an impact in our lives in such positive ways. And when they had to leave, they left such lasting beautiful memories in our minds.

    This is the kind of person I'm always striving to be, to be able to leave a positive impact on the lives of those who cross my path.

    I always consider myself extremely lucky when I meet this kind of people as well, they made my life so beautiful.


    Due to a bad experience, I had with a toxic person, our landlady In my former neighborhood, I prayed to God to bring my family and me in contact with amazing kinds of people, people who will be kind to us and treat us like family, because for someone who lives many states away from their families, we need such people badly in our life.

    And God being a great one answers my prayers. He brought us to a house where we soon met an incredible woman and her family as our neighbor. Our relationship has evolved with time and we no longer see ourselves as neighbors but as one big family.

    It has been such a great blessing meeting each other.

    But when we got here, we never planned to stay long in this house due to its long proximity to the main town. It is not so much a commercial area, thought staying here might be great for hubby due to how close it is to his workplace but for me it is not ideal, if we remain here going back into the business world might be a bit challenging for me, So we agreed that we shall leave as soon as we can to a more suitable area for both of us.

    And my neighbor also has plans to leave this place for a bigger house that can better accommodate their families.

    Before we decided to repay our rent in February this year, we went In search of another house but we could not find what we wanted for a while and coupled with our other financial commitments we decided to remain here until our next rent. And the same goes for my neighbor.

    The story took a different turn some weeks back when my neighbor found a house they loved to move into, it was very big and suitable to their needs. The house owner gave them at a very cheap rate. According to him he just needed someone in the house that could take good care of it.

    I was happy for them but also sad because this meant they would be departing from us.

    We have gotten used to each other so much that it will be hard to let go, I will miss her, miss her amazing kids.

    She is so good with my son that I would freely allow her to babysit him while I ran errands.

    She had called me two days ago and said, I have good news plus bad news without any form of smile on her face. Judging by her look, I knew it must have been a bit hard for her to tell me the news.

    She continues, The landlord of that house has agreed that we should move in by month's end. I'm happy and sad at the same time because I never want to leave you behind here.

    I was happy for them as well but at the same time, I felt like without them in this house a big void would be created in my heart.

    But what can we do? We humans are meant to meet and sometimes path away, and when you meet someone as awesome as her it is very hard to say goodbye.

    Though their new-found house isn't that far from here, it is around 30 minutes walk which means we can see each other frequently but there is nothing as nice as having them next to me as my next-door neighbor.


    I will miss her last born, my God's daughter, a year plus old, who will reach out to my door and continue to knock until I open for her almost every morning. Or her two other older kids who are so fond of playing with my son.

    There is so much more I'm going to miss about this wonderful family than I can find the right words to describe here, but one thing is sure we all will be alright in the end.

    This will be all from me today, thank-you so much for visiting my blog. Have a great time at your end.


    All Images were taken by me, with my Tecno Spark 8 Plus

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