Three Favorites Articles

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hello friends and Hivers today I do a challenge in the newly created community, Three Challenges. The challenge is to pick three of our own favorite articles on the chain. For all the particulars on this challenge check out @livinguktaiwan post about it here.

    It may seem like an easy article to write but what is challenging is picking just three. When I initially read about this new community and challenge I automatically had two in mind right away. Well after scrolling back I have dropped one of those. You see the more articles we write the more articles we may forget about. Heck I've been here just a year and I can't imagine what it would be like for those of you that have been here for years.

    How do you come up with three? It could be a post that was most upvoted or commented on. Maybe a post where you visited somewhere that you really enjoyed. Perhaps a post that you went out of your comfort zone and told something about yourself. The thing is it can be all of these and many other reasons. Well let me list and tell you about my three favorite articles.


    First off, I have a good feeling that many of us will choose an article that is pinned to our blog page, haha. Why not, after all it means something to us or else we would not have pinned it. This is the case for me on this article and it's the only one I have pinned.

    This one was my largest upvoted and tipped article to date. I'll be honest, I do hold that accomplishment dearly, but it's not the only reason it's my favorite.

    I walked into this former Union Train Station thinking I only needed a few hours to experience it all. I was wrong and it impressed me so much that I have visited it several times since writing this post. Writing this one took some time and I was just happy and smiley doing it. It really is a place that appears frozen in time. I already had a love for trains but after this visit it grew even more.

    It's hard to pin point my favorite part of the article. I show cased pretty much everything about the museum that was related to transportation. I started with the main reception area and described what some did at the station. I headed down stairs where I showed models, an electric train set, an original street car, and provided a tour through some elegant passenger cars. I ended it taking a selfie next to an iconic black steam engine.

    So this article really gave me a lot of confidence moving forward on the chain. At the time of this article I had not ever rode on a train. It was on my bucket list and I'm happy to say a few months later while on vacation I marked this off 😊 If you want to read this one click here.


    This article is from one of my first articles on the chain. I don't know exactly why but I decided to write three separate articles on past relationships. At the time I felt I wanted to share something from the heart since it was the month of Valentine's Day. It really isn't something I have done in the past or have done since. I felt a little vulnerable writing this article and it had a sad but happy ending. Its probably the most revealing article I have ever shared about myself. This is why it's a top 3 article for me.

    In this article I shared a little bit about my relationship with a Filipino girl named Nedie. From our first time together to the the last day I seen her I still remember so many memories.

    She really was the perfect girl. I could just feel the love pour out of her for me. I hid my feeling for her because I felt I had to protect myself. This was done because she was married. It was never my intentions to be with a married women. I found myself having sympathy for her pain and loneliness. Initially I really wanted to just be a friend to her but somehow that wasn't in the cards. There was just too much of a connection. It ended one day when I got a phone call from her than husband 😳

    Basically this article has the theme of love at the wrong time. Even though it was at the wrong time I much consider her my only lost love. If you want to check it out click here.


    My last favorite article involves two awesome museums that had information on the Native Indigenous people in the area I grew up at. This was a two part article but I really liked writing Act II more. This was a promised article I wrote for a user here. It was a promise article that took me almost a year to catch up on.

    I really love history and learning about it through different cultures. In this article I gave a perspective of the lifestyle of the Lakota Tribe. I also shared many of their artifacts and art works. There was so much to see at the Lakota Museum in Chamberlain, South Dakota. Hands down, the best museum on the culture of a tribe of people I have ever seen.

    It really was a touching museum with so many personal accounts. I'll admit there were times when my eyes teared up reading some of them. The hard fact is there way of living was almost abolished. There land was taken from them and many were forced to live by the white man's way. Some of their rituals and ceremonies were outlawed. Unfortunately even today there is still work to be done to make up for the so many wrongs that have been done to them. To see the full article click here.

    Well there is my three favorite articles I have published on the chain. I really look forward to reading many of yours. I want to shout out to so many people I know. Since we're in the Three Challenges Community I'll limit it to no other than three. I know it will be challenging for them as they have all written so many great articles. So @jane1289 @duvinca and @cmplxty I would love to see what your 3 favorite articles are. No pressure and if you don't want to do it I completely understand.

    Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it. Take care, stay safe and have a great week ahead. Until next time!

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