in voilk •  4 months ago

    Greetings human travelers, how are you...

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    Colombia has very beautiful places that in the past were world news. Today I want to talk to you about the journey we had to take to where Pablo Escobar's famous prison was in the 90s.
    To get there we left the city of Medellin on a motorcycle tour that took us about an hour. The last 10 km are full of pure vegetation and trees accompany us throughout the journey where we can breathe pure air.
    This is a rural area of ​​the municipality of Envigado where we can hopefully find wildlife along the way.
    The climate of this place is cold since we are on a Premontane humid forest.



    The road is narrow and is always uphill, the good thing is that 90% is on pavement, but to go up here there is no public transportation but you have to go individually.

    When we get there we find a monastery that is the tourist attraction accompanied by a beautiful chapel where mass is celebrated every 15 days by one of the monks who live in the area.

    Where Pablo Escobar's prison was, there are only ruins, many say that some valuable things were stolen in the years ago and where it was, a center for the elderly (asylum) was built.


    Something curious that a farmer who lives in the area told me is that Maradona himself went up here in his time and well, I met some French people who wanted to see where this famous character in Colombia, hated by many and loved by others, had been.

    The monastery and chapel part is a very beautiful architectural site filled with many Catholic symbols. I went to mass with my girlfriend and I really liked the way the monk did this Catholic rite, it is very different.








    The chapel is beautiful, some say that some of the paintings are made of gold and I loved the lamps that decorate this entire place, they gave me a feeling of antiquity and peace. You can see the flag of Envigado,Antioquia, Colombia and that of the monastery






    This is the image of the untied virgin, a very popular religious figure in this region, where many parishioners go up to ask her for something in their lives that is difficult, something that does not let them move forward.It is very pretty

    I am glad that a place full of so much violence years ago has become this work of art visited by people from all over the world, well mostly on weekends since during the week it is very lonely. Something I did notice is that there is not much to eat, just a woman who had a small store where she sells juices, fruits and cake.

    Well, I hope you liked this trip that we told you about, don't forget to learn something new, know, play sports and most importantly, seek your HAPPINESS...

    Blessings, remember that TRAVEL WILL ALWAYS GIVE YOU A STORY TO TELL....


    Saludos humanos viajeros como están...

    Colombia tiene lugares muy bonitos que en el pasado fueron noticia mundial. Hoy quiero hablarles del recorrido que tuvimos que hacer hasta donde era la famosa cárcel de Pablo Escobar en los años 90.
    Para llegar allí partimos de la ciudad de Medellin en un recorrido en moto que nos demoro alrededor de una hora. Los últimos 10 km son llenos de pura vegetación y arboles nos acompañan en todo el recorrido donde se respira un aire puro.
    Esta es una zona rural del municipio de Envigado donde nos podemos encontrar fauna con suerte en el camino.
    El clima de este lugar es frio ya que estamos sobre un Bosque húmedo premontano.

    La vía es angosta y siempre esta en subida, lo bueno es que el 90% esta en pavimento, pero para subir acá no existe algún transporte publico sino que toca ir en particular.

    Al llegar allí nos encontramos con un monasterio que es el atractivo turístico acompañado de una capilla que es hermosa donde celebran la misa cada 15 días por unos de los monjes que viven en el sector.

    Donde estaba la cárcel de Pablo Escobar solo hay ruinas, muchos dicen que se robaron algunas cosas de valor en los años atrás y donde era se construyo un centro para el adulto mayor ( asilo ).

    Algo curioso que me comento un campesino que vive en el sector es que hasta aquí subió el mismo Maradona en su época y bueno me encontré algunos franceses que querían ver donde había estado este personaje tan famoso en Colombia odiado por muchos y amado por otros.

    La parte del monasterio y la capilla es un sitio arquitectónico muy bonito lleno de muchos símbolos católicos. Yo entre con mi novia a la misa y la verdad me gusto el monje como hizo este rito catolico, es bien diferente.

    La capilla es hermosa, algunos dicen que unos cuadros son de oro y me encantaron las lamparas que decoran todo este lugar, me dieron una sensación de antigüedad y paz. Pueden ver las bandera de Envigado, Colombia y la del monasterio

    Me alegra que un sitio lleno de tanta violencia años atrás se haya convertido en esta obra de arte visitado por personas de todo el mundo, bueno mas que todo los fines de semana ya que en semana si es muy solo. Algo que si note es que no hay mucho donde comer , solo una señora que tenia una pequeña tienda donde vende jugos, frutas y torta.

    Bueno espero que les haya gustado este viaje que les contamos, no olviden aprender algo nuevo, conocer, hacer deporte y lo más importante buscar su FELICIDAD...

    Bendiciones, recuerden que VIAJAR SIEMPRE LES DARÁ UNA HISTORIA QUE CONTAR....


    To whom it may concern,is not investment advice.
    Ethnocentric fonts used .
    Use of images from the my authorship under my editing for photoshop and i.a. My native language is Spanish, I use Deepl translator. Thanks

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