Who Do You Turn to in Difficult Times?

in voilk •  22 days ago

    Life is full of challenges, and every person has a unique way of dealing with them. Some immediately turn to family or friends for advice and support, while others prefer to handle things on their own. The choice of who to call first or whether to call anyone at all depends on personality, past experiences and the nature of the problem faced.

    Family, The First Line of Support: For many people, family is the first place that they turn to when trouble comes. Parents, siblings, or even extended relatives often provide emotional, financial, material and moral support. Family bonds are built over time, and there is often a deep sense of trust that allows people to share their struggles openly.

    Let us consider Salia, a university student who failed an important examination. Instead of keeping it to herself, she immediately called her mother. Her mother reassured her that one failure does not define her future and helped her create a better study plan. For Salia, she knows that her family can never neglect her especially her mother who often gives her the confidence to try again.

    Friends, A Shoulder to Lean On: Not everyone is comfortable of sharing personal struggles with family. Some people prefer to confide in their friends, especially when they feel that family members might be judgmental or unable to relate to their situation properly. A true friend listens, offers advice without bias and sometimes, even helps his/her friend find practical solutions to the problems.

    For example, when Daniel went through a tough breakup, he didn’t call his parents. Instead, he reached out to his best friend, Michael. Michael had been in a similar situation before and he knew exactly how to support him, by paying attention to his predicament, keeping him busy, and assuring him that better days were ahead. In that moment, Daniel didn’t need a lecture from his friend; he just needed someone who understood his plea and probably advice him on what to do at that point in time.

    Handling Problems Alone: Some people don’t call anyone when they are faced with challenges. Instead, they prefer to process their emotions by thinking through their options and solve their issues independently. This approach can be beneficial because it builds resilience, self-reliance, and problem-solving skills.

    Take Sophia, for instance, she lost her job but chose not to tell anyone. Instead of panicking, she took time to reflect, updated her Curriculum Vitae, and started

    applying for new job opportunities. Within a few weeks, she secured a better job than before. For Sophia, solving problems alone gave her a sense of empowerment and confidence.

    However, trying to handle everything alone is not always the best option. Carrying too much stress without seeking support can lead to anxiety, depression, or even making poor decisions due to emotional overload. Sometimes, talking to the right person can bring clarity and a fresh perspective.

    Therefore, the best approach is to find balancing. There is no single right way to handle problems. Some situations require family support, others are best shared with friends while some are better handled independently. The key point is to know when to seek help and when to trust yourself.

    In a nutshell, life is a journey filled with challenges, how we deal with the challenges shapes our character. Whether you turn to family, friends or your inner strength, the most important thing is to find a path that leads to growth, healing and peace of mind.

    Thanks for reading.

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