Your mood and your day

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I can't really remember why, but then today I was pretty restless, everything was going just as it has been going for the last few days and those have been... I wouldn't say spectacular (for the most part) but still, they have been really great, but then for some reason today felt off. Felt somewhat lacklustre and I was tired at some point even though I'd done nothing. At some point I thought maybe I needed to take a short break from what I've been doing and just relax a little but honestly that didn't work either. I kept thinking about all the things I felt I needed to get done but didn't have the motivation to do. I still did a good amount of the things on the list, but the ones I didn't do kept bothering me until I eventually forced myself to do it like that. During one of my half-assing sessions, I came across a video. In this video, it was a wedding setting and then there were two men holding this large beautiful wedding cake, and as they were bringing it in right in the presence of the bride and the groom they slipped and the cake fell and was ruined. The woman looked absolutely distraught. On what's supposed to be a perfect day, and now the cake is ruined. The man on the other hand did something that surprised me. He just walked towards it and then he grabbed a spoon and cut a piece of the cake and tasted it. There wasn't audio on the recording but you could see he wasn't angry, and was even smiling and making gestures that suggest it was a delicious cake. His calmness about the whole situation made it seem much better and didn't make it as bad as the situation was. He even made the distraught bride smile a little. I scrolled through the comment section and then that was when I came across a gem of a comment. It said, "This just goes to show that when you're in a great mood no matter the situation your day can't be ruined."


    Who would have thought scrolling through Twitter would make me think? Not me, but it happened anyway. I started to look back. A lot of the times when I feel like I've had a great day, most of the time there's nothing really spectacular about the day. Most of the time it's usually something that influences how I feel that makes it a good day. There have been good days when everything didn't go as planned but then there were good days because I felt they were, and then there were days when I couldn't really say anything happened, but I just didn't feel happy about the day. A lot of the time the best days aren't necessarily perfect days they are just the days that we feel the happiest. And happiness is a state of the mind so really a good day or a bad day, it is all in the mind. All of a sudden I can't even answer again whether today was a good day or a bad day but it is what it is, we can't always be happy all the time, and I am quite confident, or will I say hopeful that tomorrow will be a much better day.



    Cover Image by Matthew Henry from Unsplash

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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