[ENG/ESP] A new parakeet to the family/ Un nuevo periquito a la familia.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today I will talk to you about the new parakeet that joined the family, he is the son of my sister and she is very happy to have him since he was injured in his wing.

    My brother found him since he couldn't fly, so he took him to my sister and she was in charge of protecting him until he got better.

    Soon she will have to leave him in a place where she can meet with her own species and have her happy babies.

    Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy les hablaré sobre el periquito nuevo que se integró a la familia, estos son de mi hermana y ella muy feliz de tenerlo ya que estaba lesionado de su ala.

    Mi hermano lo encontró ya que no podia volar, asi que lo llevó donde mi hermana y ella se encargo de protegerlo hasta su mejora.

    Pronto le tocará dejarlo en un sitio donde se pueda reunir con los de su misma especie y poder tener sus crias feliz.


    Something that is happening with them is that some children in the area with some tools that throw stones hunt them, some manage to save themselves and others are caught and it should not be like that.

    It is unfortunate to see these parrots in a terrible situation and even more so that they are in danger of extinction. I hope this does not continue to happen and the authorities take action on the matter.

    The one my brother rescued is called dirty face and is different from the little ones that are rice farmers but they still get along well.

    Algo que esta pasando con ellos es que algunos niños de la zona con algunas herramientas que lanzan piedras los cazan, algunos logran salvarse y otros son atrapados y no debe ser así.

    Es lamentable ver a estos loritos en una situación terrible y mas que se encuentran en peligro de extinción, espero no siga pasando y las autoridades tomen cartas en el asunto.

    El que rescató mi hermano lleva por nombre cara sucia y es diferente a los pequeños que son arroceros pero igual se llevan bien.



    As soon as he completely improves, they will take him to a place with many trees where there are several of his species.

    They like to eat mangoes, plums, mamón, pegua, cambur among other important fruits in the region, they love a tropical place, but hunting is destroying them and it should not be like that.

    Author: @merlyned
    Telephone: Estudio Blu.
    I hope you like the post, greetings.

    En lo que se mejore por completo lo van a llevar a un sitio con muchos árboles donde estan varios de su especie.

    Les gusta comer mangos, ciruelas, mamón, pegua, cambur entre otros frutos importantes en la región, les encanta un lugar tropical, pero la caza los esta acabando y no debe ser así.

    Autor: @merlyned
    Teléfono: Blu studio.
    Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.

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