3 bad players

in voilk •  4 months ago


    What's wealth?, before trying to break into several walls we could in a short form term it 'a mindset'. How did you grow up? Let me guess, you were raised by your parents or caregivers for a few years and then handed over to the schooling system to teach you how to get a secured job from the government. Ahh! I guess that's where the whole problem started. We are mostly faced by a distorted refining channel and the end products are mostly regrets.

    I wrote about the 90/10 rules recently, how 10% or less control the world's resources with the remaining 90% or more at their mercy. Trust me, the guys are mostly not school freaks, neither do they rely on the government for jobs. So how do they get it right? It all goes back to where it's supposed to start. Robert Kiyosaki, author of 'rich dad poor dad' once said, 'what the rich parents teach their children, the poor parents don't' and these words hit me hard. What you are trained to believe goes a long way; in short, 'a man is defined by his beliefs' and in a world of wealth and financial freedom I see possibility of minting more poor fellas unless philosophies are rearranged.

    Don't get too upset with your parents but I must say it, one of the reasons you struggle financially is because of your parents. Ever heard of the three bad players? It's my personal theory, something I've come to realize keeps on hunting the future of upcomers. So who can this whole cycle be? I have given you the hint on parents. Actually, there are currently three sectors responsible for the upbringing of every child in a modern world; parents, schools (institutions) and the government and these guys one way or the other have been bad players.

    No respect loss especially for our parents, they've put much effort to see us through. Yet, we should never mistaken schooling for education, they are two different things entirely. The idea of parents assuming that school and government can give their children the life they deserve is one mistake that keeps repeating itself year after year.


    Parents are Key to our financial future

    "A child needs two major trainings; first God, his creator, second money, his survival, the rest are just cover ups. Yet it's a pity we spend our whole life focusing on the cover ups"----dani-asi. I don't know if you agree with this view. The idea of a parent thinking school has all it takes to raise a child to his full potential is a lie. The stepping stone is what parents have to offer. When did your parent ever educate you about finance? Probably none, the only thing you hear from them may be that 'things are hard'.

    The reverse is the case for kids with parents who have strong financial background, always teaching their children that the world is a gold mine for those who have eyes. They train children with that abundant mentality so even in the most difficult of times they will always scale.

    Schools is more of a business

    You have to accept this. There is no guarantee you'll get a secured job when you are done schooling. I personally feel this is brainwashing when looking at an economy with high level of unemployment and this school keeps on graduating more and more to pile up the unemployment column. Parents did not even teach you about money, school in the other end will deceive you about money by telling you what they feel is right. That saying, 'if you graduate with good grades, you'll get a government secured job' and live that luxurious life.

    Are you kidding me, when the government themselves are helpless trying to fix what seems unfixable through their measures. This sector trains you not to take risk but you'll later realize it was a big risk. How do you feel putting a call through to friend to hear he just graduated. It's always smiles during the conversation with exchange of compliments and pleasantries but the end comment about waiting on the list of unemployment is always discouraging. Don't you feel schools have to change their curriculums?.


    The government don't have what you need

    In the end we always come to realize those we depend on are helpless. Yes, even the government needs help, especially systems run by government bodies with a lack of management. You'll hear of debt pile here and there. Are these the people to give you a secured job? Lack of facilities and infrastructure, poor roads and business channels mostly when it even comes to developing and underdeveloped countries. inflation keeps on deterring the system. You just have to accept these players are bad. I guess its high time parents sit up or they may be raising another poor generation.

    To conclude let me add, the current chain of education and survival is not efficient. We have been in this system for so long and I feel there is a need to break out of the old ways. Herds mentality always lead to financial doom. The need for parents to educate their children and inject an abundant mindset on what money is and how to create wealth can help shape the future. Remember as earlier said, wealth is a mindset so also is poverty. In a struggling economy, the safe heaven is financial education starting particularly from the root of upcoming leaders.

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