Balloons Portraits - Monomad Challenge.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    A few days ago, I worked for a modeling agency. They wanted to do a studio-style photoshoot with a balloon theme, pretty unusual but super creative! In the end, we ended up with some really cool shots.

    That day, I had to photograph 12 models on the same set. Each one had their own style, all dressed very differently and even posed differently. In this post, I'll show you the photos I took of this girl. She was so pretty and really photogenic.

    Let's start with some shots where she's holding a few balloons!

    Hace unos dias trabajé para una agencia de modelos, ellos querian hacer una sesion de fotos tipo estudio y el tema era de globos, algo bastante inusual pero muy creativo, al final terminamos haciendo unas fotos super cool !

    Ese dia tuve que fotografiar a 12 modelos en el mismo set, cada uno con su propio estilo, todos vestian muy diferentes y hasta posaban diferentes, en este post les mostraré las fotos que le tome a esta chica, era muy linda y bastente fotogenica.

    Empezaré por mostrarles algunas fotos en donde ella sostenia algunos globos!



    The balloons in the background weren't hung up; there were two guys on each side throwing balloons behind the model. I had to take a lot of burst shots to capture them, then choose the best ones. In the end, I went home with 980 raw photos (from all 12 models)...

    Los globos que se ven al fondos no estaban colgados, habian dos chicos a cada lado lanzando globos por detras de la modelo, yo tuve que tomar muchas fotos en rafaga para captarlos y luego escoger las mejores fotos, al final terminé yendo a casa con 980 fotos crudas (entre los 12 modelos)...



    Then the girl let go of the balloons and did different poses. She's a model, so she knew exactly what she was doing!

    Luego la chica soltó los globos y pudo hacer diferentes poses, ella es modelo y sabia muy bien lo que hacia!




    For all the photos, I used my Canon RP camera with a 50mm f/2.8 lens. I set up two lights: a flash with a 50cm octabox at a 45-degree angle in front of the model as the main light, and an LED panel behind her to create a nice rim light.

    We put a chair on the set and took this photo:

    Para todas las fotos utilicé mi camara CANON RP con un lente 50mm a 2.8/f y utilicé dos puntos de luces, como luz principal un flash con un octabox de 50 cm a 45 grados en frente de la modelo y tambien utilicé un panel de luz led detras de la modelo para crear una bonita luz de recorte.

    Luego pusimos una silla en el set y hicimos esta foto:


    It was a pretty quick session because I only had an hour and a half to photograph 12 models. So I had to be really fast when taking the photos. In fact, I only had 8 minutes to photograph each one...

    In the end, everything went well, and we managed to take some really great photos that I'll be sharing with you soon.

    I hope you like them as much as we do!!

    Fue una sesion bastante rapida porque solo tenia una hora y media para fotografiar a 12 modelos, asi que tenia que ser muy rapido al tomar las fotos, de hecho, solo tenia 8 minutos para fotografiar a cada uno...

    Al final todo salió bien y logramos hacer fotos muy buenas que les estaré mostrando pronto.

    Espero les gusten tanto como a nosotros!!

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