The Secret To Being Resourceful

in voilk •  4 months ago


    The gap between developed countries, developing countries and under developed countries is EDUCATION. If you look at the educational system of developed countries you will know that we are playing at our own end, even at how progressive they've come with education, they still feel its not enough.

    Developed countries have advanced education beyond the class room such that a child is already being educated with life's basics from home before ever coming in contact with the four walls of school. We do not have such opportunities spreading accross here.

    There is this popular mantra in my country that goes School na scam. Basically majority of the youth feel going to school, being educated and getting a degree is a waste of time as according to them millions of graduates are roaming the streets unemployed and poor. While those not in the elites class who are employed are underpaid and living in penury. It is for this reason you now see the youth damning education and embracing ignorance.

    The politicians of my country know the importance of education, they know education brings enlightenment and an educated populace is very difficult to take advantage of so you see them constantly sabotaging the educational sector to make it tiring for the masses while they in turn use tax payers money to finance their children's education abroad. In the end those who say school na scam (school is scam) and refuse to be educated will not be fit for leadership when the opportunity arise.

    Kindly note that there is a great difference between being literate and being educated. while being literate is the ability to read and write, being educated is the training of the mind to think. The ability of the mind to think and be able to bring forth ideas or solutions as the case may be is what makes the various sectors in a country function optimally as should.

    I have once shared how I use to be la cram la pour all through my secondary school days up to my first degree. I wasn't educated then, I was just literate Yes! you can be literate and uneducated. I became educated after my second degree when I came face to face with challenging exam questions that prompt me to critically think. You know, Life becomes easy when you can easily navigate your mind and make sound decisions on life's challenges.

    I believe that an educated person can never have it that bad. When others are lamenting over the poor state of things, you are busy hatching your next plan and preparing your cushion effect because as an educated person there are always several alternative solutions to every problem available at your finger tip.

    If you do not want life to happen to you in the most unfortunate of ways and you do not want to be handicapped in situations that you could control, be educated as that is your ticket to being resourceful.

    Thank you for reading 🙏🏾

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