Friendship and Sweets (Pre-Birthday Treat)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    It was my birthday last Saturday and I had a blast. I want to share some stories about it, but I'm going to save that for a later post. For now, I want to share something that happened the day before my birthday.

    It was Friday and normally, I'd be working. However, on of my close friends from high school told me that she's coming over. We haven't met since January of this year because we have been pretty busy with life and other stuff. She won't be able to see me on my birthday, so she wanted to come the day before.

    Since I decided to take a day off, I also made use of the time to bake some sweets we could share the next day... and of course with my friend who was coming over.



    While my friend and I were catching up, I was also busy preparing these treats. I made some mini cupcakes and a three-layer cake with three different flavors. They were banana, choco-coffee and sweet potato and cheese.

    Actually, when my friend was in our place, I only finished making the banana cake and cupcakes. We then had lunch and spent more time talking. When she went home, I gave her some of the banana cupcakes as well as the sweet dish mama prepared. Mama made some ube-flavored maja.


    I made the rest of the cupcakes and cake later that night.

    There sure were a lot of sweets that day because my friend also brought us some sweets alongside the gift she gave me.



    She gave me these walnut chocolate fudge and some chocolates. I kept them in the fridge so we could have it the next day. It was sweetness overload!



    I also got this awesome shirt! I love One Piece and skull designs. She knows me pretty well! haha She wasn't present on my actual birthday but we had our mini celebration the day before.

    This friend is about to be a mother soon, and I'm very excited for her and her future family. I wish her good health, happiness and safe pregnancy and delivery. <3 Thanks for being such an amazing friend throughout the years. :)

    That's it for this post... See you around! ^^

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